Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Some FB comments : On shortcuts , priorities

Shortcuts, Priorities

Recent BoM Forex Interventions !!! (Rattan & Sushil)

Since last year, the foreign exchange market in Mauritius has been subject to significant exchange control restrictions, leading to the emergence of offshore forex dealings, and a weaker offshore rupee exchange rate. The rupee depreciated sizeably between Oct 22 and Mar 23, whereupon certain banks were taken to task on their exchange dealings and fined by the Bank of Mauritius (BoM).

The FCC Bill : a futile debate in Pinocchio’s world !

In his summing-up of the debates on the Financial Crime Commission(FCC) Bill, it seems to a non-legal commoner, that the Prime Minister has demolished each and every argument of the opposition and neutralised the issue of the exclusive right of the DPP to institute criminal proceedings. He replied tit for tat to the critics of the opposition. More than that, he attacked their credibility…”ban créveurs !”

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Pale Boule Fer 2023

Rezistans ek Alternativ has awarded three "prizes" for 2023 - the Pale Boule Fer 2023 - to personalities and institutions that have failed us over this year. The Pale Boule Fer is the opposite of an award; it’s a sanction.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

When Pinocchio hides behind parliamentary immunity !

We are ashamed of our PM, of the shrill theatrics of a cheap and dysfunctional leader !

Saturday, December 9, 2023

The irresponsibility of this Govt "jouant au Père Noel" !

It comes as no surprise from a regime that has a propensity for non-priority and populist expenditures, a regime that cannot think beyond its simplistic populist solutions to complex socioeconomic ills.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

“Failures in the waiting”- a failed education reform !

Some of the issues raised by the leader of the opposition on the high failure rates of the students of the Extended Stream for the National Certificate of Examinations (NCE) had been highlighted in more details some two years back, by Mr RAJENDRA SEWPERSADSING in an article in Le Mauricien titled “NCE and Extended Stream(EP) : “Failures in the waiting”.

A new economic model !

There have been three discussions this week on the need for a new economic model for Mauritius -in le Défi, in l’express, and on the Monday radio program- Ki Nouvo Moris- of Rising Ocean .

Sunday, December 3, 2023

“Building Bridges, Together for Humanity”

A vigil held outside UK’s Downing Street for ‘all those suffering’
Family members whose loved ones have been killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict gathered outside Downing Street on Sunday to hold a vigil "for all those suffering" because of the recent outbreak of fighting. Faith leaders, bereaved families and politicians of all parties all made speeches in the first mass event of its kind since the conflict began.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Quand Pinokio nous fait la leçon !

Year in year out, it is the same pattern in the National Assembly, the PNQs and PMQs turn out to be mere “fizettes” with or without the help of the brute goalkeeper who would have brought disgrace to even a banana republic.
Why ?

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A temporary windfall gains tax to fund the 14th month bonus or the increase in minimum wages/ Guaranteed minimum income ?

A temporary windfall gains tax to fund the 14th month bonus or the increase in minimum wages/ Guaranteed minimum income ?
Why are some extra parliamentary parties against the 14th month bonus funded by a windfall gains tax ?
Are they pretending to be so worried about the SMEs that they are letting our big corporates off the hook ? Why ?

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The opposition is mobilising support for the necessary payment of a 14th month bonus and a monthly wage compensation of Rs 2000 ! Why not a windfall gains tax on the big corporates and the top exporting companies !

Friday, November 17, 2023

Our Pada , lor CSG li fané, lor Growth li fané, now lor unemployment rate !

You must have heard him , shouting from the rooftops that the economy is experiencing «Le plus faible taux de chômage en 25 ans»
His frequent attempts at playing fast and loose with our statistics, selectively choosing the ones that tell only a small part of the story , have been a depressing spectacle.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Incidents á la Citadelle ! A wake-up call !

La securité dan nou pays pé foute le camp !
La sécurité et la police n'ont rien pu faire devant ce commando aggressif et violent.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Effective Corporate Governance, you said !
They have updated the Code of Corporate Governance ; they have launched a ‘scorecard’ system for public and private organisations to self-evaluate and assess their peers on the best corporate governance practices.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Due Diligence carried out by the STC on the Mercantile & Maritime Group !!!
Rajiv Servansingh nous dit que “De toute façon, il y a une clause du contrat qui stipule que les produits pétroliers destinés à Maurice ne doivent pas provenir d'un pays sous un embargo ou une sanction internationale”.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

On ReA FB page :
"True history should be taught to children, so that they get an idea of the harshness our ancestors have endured to bring this country at the point we are now, this will teach them the true reality of how Mauritianism has been constructed , and how important our unity in diversity is . MY RESPECT TO THE VICTIMS OF THOSE DAYS."Courtesy ReA.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Our regulator, the Financial Services Commission (FSC), found wanting again !

Stanford Asset Holding, a management company registered in the Seychelles, with its subsidiary Green way PCC, domiciled in the Mauritian offshore has allegedly been misappropriated of some Rs 500 million in the form of a transfer, qualified as illegal, from its bank account held at AfrAsia Bank.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The gentrification of Mauritius is accelerating at breathneck speed!

Kugan Parapen of ReA rightly raises the issue of the "Gentrification of Mauritius ".

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Please spare us of the lame excuse of “ faire le jeu du MSM” !

LePep need to know !
Do not hide behind the excuse that we are being an agent of the MSM when we are querying the different political parties positioning themselves as an alternative to the present regime !

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Inflating Debt Away

Padayachy claims that ”nous travaillons pour baisser le taux d’endettment” but the figures do not show any fiscal effort by govt to reduce debt.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

PJ : “Ena dimounn dir nou pena leker…”

Non, nou pé dir li ki li ena leker zis pou ban corporates, ban cronies, ban suivers, ban gangster squads, ban drug and gambling mafias, ban “sindikalis magouyer, kolabo mersener”….

Friday, July 7, 2023

Murvind resigns from ToP FM !

Murvind no longer felt safe at his workplace - at Top FM
We are being told by his lawyers that he resigned because of the lack of support from his employer . “Apart from the presence of the two lawyers, threats from the SST and others, the most serious was the reaction of Top FM, including that of the director ,Mr Kris Kaunhye, who sided with the aggressors instead of protecting his journalist “

Monday, July 3, 2023

Your France is no better than our Mts !

To my dear expatriate brother Francois ,
Recently here, while the licence of democracy was being used to subvert our democracy, i had to bear silently your patronising and condescending attitude towards these events ; I felt a bit embarrassed ; more than that, deep down your comments were really hurtful and appeared to hold some kind of deep-seated feelings of cultural superiority over us the struggling lot of the relatively poorer developing world .

Friday, June 30, 2023

Board members of Statistics Mauritius, what are they being paid for ?

The contributions of the board members of Statistics Mauritius(SM) seem to be most of the time useless and there are there mainly for the hefty allowances and just to toe the line –exemplary yes-man. The only moment that they are singularly active is when tea and “gateaux piments” are being served. As long as we have such chatwas on the boards, we should not be surprised that our institutions have , of late, been suffering from an ethical and governance deficit. They have repudiated independence, transparency and accountability with a brazen shrug of callousness and indifference.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

SBM Holdings - a cash cow for political nominees

Board members rewarded for their incompetence !

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Generalissimo Pinokio :Undermining our institutions !

In this age of populist demagoguery, illiberal democracy, personalised autocracy and institutionalised despotism, we have seen it happening from Trump in the US, Bolsonaro in Brazil, Orban in Hungary ,PiS in Poland, Erdogan in Turkey, Modi in India, Khan and the military in Pakistan, Putin in Russia, Xi Jinpin in China ,Kagame in Rwanda…the dismantling of democratic institutions and civil rights .

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Bogus comments from our confused economists !

Some economists, who have often chosen to go down the road of complacency and bury their heads in the sand, are again at their old games, toeing the line and trying to give some credibility to Budget 2023-24.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Commission to investigate the Gangster Squad, SST !

Do you recall the Hollywood movie "Serpico" ! It was about the retired officer of the New York Police Department (NYPD), Frank Serpico, who brought attention to police corruption in the 1960s and 1970s. 

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Budget 2023-24: Failing on many fronts !

                                                                                             (Published in L'express on 08/06/2023)

The budget, designed with the possibility of an election in mind and with its many giveaways to sway the voter, turned out to be a damp squib. There are no big reform signals to jumpstart the economy. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Breaking News : It’s confirmed !

"L’inflation est le meilleur ami du ministre des Finances"

Monday, June 5, 2023

Le socialisme à la Padayachy !

ReA fustige le budget 2023-24 «C'est un modèle économique qui ne vise qu'à enrichir les investisseurs qui pourront exploiter nos ressources et notre marché sans créer des emplois. Il y aura de moins en moins d'opportunités de travail pour nos jeunes. L'émigration continuera.»

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Le Gestapo à l'oeuvre

Ekout sa video ! Ekout kin arrivé à Dewraz !
Ki capav arrivé à n'import ki !

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Le Gestapo du Regime !

Whoever he/she is , though in these very columns we have criticised him, there is no reason to jubilate …we leave that to others…ban ti lespri !

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Padayachy: African Finance Minister of the year !

Padayachy: African Finance Minister of the year ! 

Renganaden Padayachy was named African Finance Minister of the Year. The runner up was his Zimbabwean counterpart, Mthuli Ncube.

This award to our Pada and to Mthuli Ncube by the African Leadership Magazine , as highlighted by its editorial board, is more for “ promoting Afro-positive content and bringing the best of Africa to global audiences and platforms “ .

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Centre Kulturel “Viv Ensam”

Enn Centre Kulturel “Viv Ensam “ ki montré morisyens kuma pu célebré zot ban différans.

Friday, May 26, 2023

BoM’s failure to stabilise the rupee !

Since mid March 2023, banks have been told by BoM that the rupee should follow the Euro. As the Euro has appreciated against the US Dollar until end April 2023, the rupee remained stable against the Euro at just above Rs50.-, but appreciated against the US from Rs47.60 to Rs45.40 at end April 2023.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


Rezistans ek Alternativ dir non à la diktatur
Aksion pasifik par ReA pou dir non a local government amendment bill.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Labou pé mok la mar !

Kot nou gaité dan baiz !

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Pada’s hoodwink !

In his reply to a PQ on the MIC, the Minister states the following to hoodwink the population into believing that MIC was set up by other means than by BoM money printing:
"Grace a ses interventions régulières sur le marché intérieur d’échanges au début de la pandémie dans le but d’assurer les conditions d’un développement économique ordonne et équilibre, la banque de Maurice a investi dans le MIC le produit en roupies de ses interventions, soit Rs 81 milliards."

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The arrest of Rama Valayden of the LPM !

The increased popular discontent over declining standards of living / cost of living crisis is making it easier for all opposition political parties to mobilize popular discontent and press for political demands.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Public Sector: Crying out for a better leadership!

(Published in l'express of 09.05.2023)

I've known Mr Romooah-the ex-director of the National Audit Office, when he was working at the Treasury; the recent audit reports have shown his mettle ; there are very few like him left in the public service these days.Over my past twenty five plus years in the public service, I happened to come across very few of such bedrocks, such champions of good governance. More common was a public sector peopled with little emperors reigning supreme, unchallenged and unaccountable, over their submissive fiefs.


Monday, May 1, 2023

Diviz Zot Nou Avanser !

Le vrai slogan du MSM pou Meeting 1er Mai “ Diviz Zot Nou Avanser”
Kan zot dan bez ki zot fer ?

Meeting MSM 1er Mai !

Sey aster ki nou fin réussi terminé, nou fin fer enn travail bien serryé, nou fin kalkil la foule à Meeting MSM par mètre karré ek fer sertain déductions

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Roches Noires Smart City : Le faux débat !

Money, corrupt Govt and bought-out journaluses are hijacking our nation's economic and environmental future. They are making their cases very shrewdly - a combination of half truths and deceit - and effectively.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Nou tous à Lamars 1 Mé á Quatre Bornes.

Rendez vous tou ban Zenn,, Senior, Fam-Zom, Lavil-Vilaz, Maniel-Intelektiel

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Moody’s show.

Under the leadership of MoFED, meetings were arranged between Moody’s financial analysts and our different economic operators. To have an idea about how these meetings went , this is what Kevin Ramkaloan, CEO of Business Mauritius has to say:

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Projet immobilier à Roches-Noires !
Ban collectifs MRU2025, Protégeons l'écosystème de Roches-Noires, Eco-Sud, Platform Moris Lanvironnman et Rezistans ek Altemativ ek ban écocitoyens et plusieurs activistes pé kontesté sa projet là.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Non, l’alliance PTR-MMM-PMSD n’est pas la seule solution pou sauver le pays !

Why ? Because

Socio-cultural/religious groups ki role ?

These are some of recent events and statements making the news:
-Treize ans de prison pour avoir violé sa cousine
-Poignardée par son compagnon à Bel-Air .
-Un oncle incestueux condamné à 15 mois de prison
-Il écope de neuf mois de prison pour avoir volé la carte bancaire de son père
-Saisi d’un colis de drogue de synthèse dans la forêt de Wooton
-Un enfant victime de « bullying »
-Un guichet automatique vandalisé
-Arrêté pour cambriolage chez un ACP

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

The Stag Party

The Stag Party
Enn PNQ ki fer di mal !
Li bégayer !
Minister Maneesh Gobin, were you present at the Stag Party, yes or no ?
….li bourré ….li pied bat dan lédos .
"Le silence de Gobin est en soi un aveu de culpabilité !

For a more balanced criticism !

In his recent interviews Father Jean Maurice Labour, Vicar General of the Catholic Church in Mauritius, has correctly identified the main ills of our society, this inefficient and degenerate regime and the pressing issues that have continuously been raised by bloggers and analysts- the drift towards increasingly corrupt, unaccountable and totalitarian forms of government. 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Homage to Serge Lebrasse.

He touched us, everyone around, one way or the other. We grew up with Serge Lebrasse.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Rupee going downhill !

You recall that last month after the Public-Private Joint Committee, our Pada was bragging about 2023 being the year of stability for the Mauritian Rupee . As yet this is not the case !

Saving Grand Bassin ?

To recover the lost ground with the Hindu community (they had suddenly disappeared in thin air when the community that they claim they represent was expecting them to come out strongly on the issue of the maja karo - mainly of caris de cerf and cochon marron drenched with a good glass of rich single-malt whisky- taking place in a ranch not far from the “sacred lake”) - les socio-culturels have managed to make their way back to the forefront again by demanding that Grand-Bassin be declared a spiritual sanctuary and that a buffer be created around Grand Bassin to protect it from “certain” activities.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Breaking News :Pada is still suffering from nominal illusion !

In his intervention at “la reunion plénière du groupe des superviseurs bancaires francophones” our Pada was all in raptures about the economy. “ L’économie mauricienne est aujourd’hui en pleine expansion....Et alors que de nombreux pays entrent ou craignent une récession, Maurice affiche une croissance du PIB ….……supérieure à 8%.....C’est dire si la reprise est là. ....

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Some nudges can help !

Many have tried all means and exhausted themselves in trying to press on our socio-cultural leaders and organisers to inculcate a sense of discipline for the Ganga Talao pilgrimage.

Friday, February 3, 2023

The rise of the right !

To bring some balance –(and broaden the perspective to avoid a misconstrued perception of trying to deliberately being selective in the criticism of some far-right regimes ) -to the article with the above title in today’s l’express , we have to add some other countries like

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Adani affair and FSC's inertia ! (continued)

Following yesterday's article in Le Défi and FSC's comments :
We wish to point out that:

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Adani affair is a test for the FSC !

The FT editorial board had commented thus on the Adani affair –“Whatever the merits of the Hindenburg report, India’s business and political elites would be misguided to simply shrug and hope the affair goes away. India’s ambitions to be an economic counterweight to China rely in part on investor trust in transparency, quality of governance, and the strength of its institutions. When allegations such these are made, those institutions need to be seen to be doing their job. “ (The Adani share offer closed successfully today, with the help of high net-worth Indian investors concerned about the adverse impact of falling Indian markets on their wealth. But transparency and trust issues remain.)

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Friday, January 27, 2023

Vrai cause inondations !

(posted on a friend's fb page)
Kuma dir Station Meteo ti pou capav enpès inundation; ena pé met chula, Mr Goodur v/s Station Meteo et pas bizin dir toi avek so masala communal;

Kan AHRIM pé justifier l’injustifiable !

Nos oligarchs à l’oeuvre - Zot pran billions (from MIC and we are now bearing the consequences of easy money ) et kan zot donné "un parrainage "-sey enn sub-standard free lunch .

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tax and spend ! Who pays? Spend on what ?

Answering to those who believe that fuel prices include too many taxes, our Pada explained that « taxes are important…. taxes are a way to help those in need. » He also added that “Plus de 80 % de l’argent récolté à travers le Consolidated Fund sont redistribués à la population”.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Year-on-year inflation of 12.2 % for December

Our Governor boy, the Banker of the year, delivers a rising rate of inflation from 9.6% in June to 12.2% in Dec 2022 when most economies are experiencing a slow down in inflation and we , “the crétins” of the year, were right when we were criticising him for "eunuchating" the BoM by draining it of all its capital and reserves (SRF) and undermining its monetary framework.

Friday, January 6, 2023

We might as well be the “crétins of the year” !

The Banker , an English-language monthly international magazine , has awarded the Banker of the year to our Governor boy, Harvesh- “His stewardship of the country’s financial sector through one of its most challenging periods in recent history earns him The Banker’s Central Banker of the Year award for Africa.”

Thursday, January 5, 2023

The feel good factor of the Mafia state!

This is how the mafia starts the year in a banana republic !
They start the year by privileging what they excel at, namely, nepotism, cronyism, corruption, communal and caste-based politics and subverting the rule of law.

The very soul of our nation is at stake !

An Operation of the Anti Drug and Smuggling Unit (ADSU) turned sour on Tuesday afternoon at Résidence Kennedy, Quatre-Bornes. Two suspects, suspected of engaging in drug trafficking, were arrested and handcuffed, but managed to escape thanks to the presence of a hostile crowd of over seventy-five people .