Friday, July 7, 2023

Murvind resigns from ToP FM !

Murvind no longer felt safe at his workplace - at Top FM
We are being told by his lawyers that he resigned because of the lack of support from his employer . “Apart from the presence of the two lawyers, threats from the SST and others, the most serious was the reaction of Top FM, including that of the director ,Mr Kris Kaunhye, who sided with the aggressors instead of protecting his journalist “
It appears that when Murvind wanted to file a precautionary measure with the police, there were attempts to dissuade him. It is clear that Top FM did not give him the necessary support.
The director of Top FM does not wish to comment on this case. Why ?
What’s wrong with Top FM ?
At a time that we were being saddened by the clickbait of some modern media where spectacle is often preferred over substance, and noise is mistaken as informed debate, ToP FM chose to step off the treadmill of events-driven journalism; it has stayed the course under difficult circumstances and stood up to all kinds of threats and boycotts and has always upheld good, honest, fair and research-oriented journalism and has not sacrificed its core credentials….and given us a different feel and flavour of the high standards of journalism.
We were among its numerous fans also because it has always supported criticism, dissent and public protests which are the hallmarks of any vibrant democracy.
This should not be sullied by actions of this regime’s Gestapo . After all, our citizens, especially our dedicated journalists, need to be protected as much as the state.
ToP FM cannot remain shrouded behind its highly contentious unresponsiveness and restraint.!
Lepep and its fans need an explanation !
(Our allegiance is to our fighters -a special thought for Yogita Baboo- not to those who have deserted or chosen not to fight back and respect for those who have fallen while fighting .)