Padayachy: African Finance Minister of the year !
Renganaden Padayachy was named African Finance Minister of the Year. The runner up was his Zimbabwean counterpart, Mthuli Ncube.
This award to our Pada and to Mthuli Ncube by the African Leadership Magazine , as highlighted by its editorial board, is more for “ promoting Afro-positive content and bringing the best of Africa to global audiences and platforms “ .
It could not not have been for the proper management of their economies.
As for our Pada, recent international reports (IMF,WB,ADB…)show a total dismal picture of our economy under his stewardship, flagging the following:
-his failure to maintain Mauritius in the the high-income country status category
- his failure to avert the grey-listing and black-listing of our financial sector by FATF and EU respectively and a second downgrading by Moody’s to near-junk status in July 2022..
-stagnating investment.
-Loss of export competitivesness.
-skills shortages coexisting with high structural unemployment
-over 50,000 young people aged 16 to 24 are neither working nor studying.
-only 43 percent of women actively participate in the labor force, whereas the average for men is 68 percent.
-irresponsible populist measures that have resulted in elevated levels of budget deficits and public debt
-BOM's involvement in fiscal policy, both directly and through the Mauritius Investment Corporation which has weakened the separation of institutional mandates while increasing contingent liabilities
-Current Account deficit reaching a high of 13.2 percent in 2021 to 14.2 percent in 2022.
-his failure to control double-digit inflation-the highest in over a decade- due to the ineffective implementation of sound monetary policy
-his abject failure to strengthen the macro-fiscal institutions and support fiscal discipline, including implementation of meaningful reforms to maintain debt sustainability and control contingent liabilities that would have provided the foundation to re-gain and sustain high-income status.
-rising inequality, and acute cost of living crisis such that the common man /social workers/ committed politicians have to take to the streets and embark on hunger strikes to put pressure on the Minister of Finance to listen to the voices of the poorest .
While the winners and runners-up for the African Business Leadership Awards (ABLA) 2023 shall be presented with these bogus trophies at the House of Lords of the United Kingdom and The Dorchester Hotel London United Kingdom, here some 30% to 40% of Mauritians earning between Rs 15,000 and Rs 18,000 per month will be struggling to make ends meet.
A cost of living crisis that is inflicting maximum damage on those least able to bear it. Many families are being forced to make sacrifices at the expense of innocent children going hungry. Govt is not responding promptly to the present distress faced by vulnerable households .
“It is a daily fight against the high cost of living that we are undergoing and this is the worst finance Minister we ever had.” hollered an angry and hungry householder.
As for Pada’s comrade in arms and runner-up for the bogus award, the latest EIU report points out that his ZANU-PF govt is expected to retain power in the general election in July 2023 by using state resources to buy public support.
“Macroeconomic uncertainty arising from erratic policymaking, runaway inflation, a weakening currency, rising borrowing costs and worsening electricity shortages will dampen growth in the short term. In the absence of structural reforms to improve the business environment, combined with soaring inflation and shortages of foreign exchange, real GDP will grow only modestly in 2023-27.” La situation empire au Zimbabwe…. Un dollar américain valait 1.000 dollars zimbabwéens sur le marché noir il y a encore une semaine. Il s’échange désormais contre 4.000 dollars zimbabwéens (contre un taux officiel à 1.888).
Our Pada is in good company with such an award -ABL awards are bogus, mere publicity stunts without real substance-and this shows that this mystifying award therefore rests on other explanations than the responsible and commendable management of the economy !
Most relevant