Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The arrest of Rama Valayden of the LPM !

The increased popular discontent over declining standards of living / cost of living crisis is making it easier for all opposition political parties to mobilize popular discontent and press for political demands.
New coalitions of political opponents are being formed, mobilizing popular frustration to demand political change given the impending elections.
At the same time, the divided traditional parliamentary parties , have overgrown their “cosé cosé” period and seems to have succeeded in papering over their cracks and putting aside their differences, rallying around a common goal- to oust this corrupt authoritarian regime.
The incumbents are well aware of their present unpopularity but they were not that worried given the difficulties of the ganging together of the political dinosaurs. But now with pressure from all quarters in trying to glue them together with all possibilities being examined - Berenger as President, Duval as MoF and DPM, Osman Mohamed as DPM…—and other such combinations , there are increasing possibilities that they will ultimately find a palatable front bench, acceptable both electorally and party-wise.
Despite the regime’s efforts at instigating some of the potential front benchers at creating havoc among the opposition ranks , our dinosaurs,having waited too long and being now too near to power not to tone down their egos,are prepared to knuckle down and accept some of the “harsher” terms of their new coalition.
But our incumbents, though perturbed , still have perhaps at least one ace card to play-divide the opposition groups and their partisans . They are more scared of the parliamentary opposition which they believe still have a stronghold in many constituencies.
So there is only way out for them - build up the LPM as another potential rival to the LP-MMM-PMSD alliance in the opposition. The arrest of the leader of the LPM, I believe, is part of this strategy. They are Machiavellic and they are planning their every move and we are falling prey to their tactics .

May be an image of text that says "MSM wins RសATS OPPOSITION UNITY"
All reactions:
Kishan Daworaz, Balaramoodoo Sok Appadu and 13 others