Saturday, April 15, 2023

Non, l’alliance PTR-MMM-PMSD n’est pas la seule solution pou sauver le pays !

Why ? Because

-Zot pou status quo.
-Zot pas pé vraiment kombatt le komunalis ek kasteism, au contraire zot pé servi li ; get dan zot elektions biro politik…
-Zot pas vraiment kritik le modèl/systèm economik, zot pro enn sekter privé archaic, à la Sithanen-Uteem-Duval (see SS comments below)
-Zot pas différan à ban au pouvoir; blan boné boné blan, ban transfuges dan MSM kot sorti parmi zot non! ; ena parmi zot enkor pé négocié avek pouvoir.
-Zot pas finn razeuni zot parti avek ban zen dynamik,honett et ki envi servi zot pei; nouvo générasyon péna confianz dan zot !
ReA wanted to give them, our traditional mainstream parties , a last chance to join forces, to really aim at changing the status quo, in every sense of the word.
What a deception !
For how long will we continue with the same demagogic politics, same populist politics ?
More of the same !
From one dynasty to another !
From one megalomaniac to another !
We doubt If they are capable or are intent on providing us with an alternative vision of the economy, an alternative model of development with ample creative ideas on developing the local economy, culture, education, sports, the fishing industry ,….while integrating environmental constraints.
We had thought that these parties would be bracing themselves for a total break with the past - a politics of “rupture” or “du vrai changement”. No, we might end up with more of the same, safely anchored in the status quo. ! Sorry ,a status quo that do provide for a free trip to Reunion for our seniors !(sic)