This is how the mafia starts the year in a banana republic !
They chose their lieutenants not for their honesty or competence but for their pliability and loyalty.
Previous regimes have also done sleazy things, but few have done them so systematically and blatantly as this one, the drug and gambling mafia, that has taken over our main institutions .
They begin the year by ensuring that favouritism, nepotism, cronyism keep on spreading, swelling, mutating, becoming monstrous. The constant acquisition of power and resources by the mafiosis and their corporate allies have those qualities: from the appointment of cronies to public office to the funnelling of state funds to the pro-MSM businessmen and chums to the awarding of government contracts to friends, relations and supporters – a practice for which the govt to govt and emergency procurement regulations have opened up more opportunities.
That’s the mafiosis’ feel good factor in our rotten, banana republic !
Feel the indignation, the outrage of LePep !