Monday, October 23, 2023

Incidents á la Citadelle ! A wake-up call !

La securité dan nou pays pé foute le camp !
La sécurité et la police n'ont rien pu faire devant ce commando aggressif et violent. That’s another of our crucial institutions that has been undermined and hollowed by this regime. The police is failing us . We have today a dys­functional police force -a police force who isn’t fit for purpose.
Crime rates are on the rise, drug-trafficking has surged , the availability of all kinds of drugs have increased and Mauritian communities are less safe under this corrupt, ineffective and useless government. And now this !
People sense of safety has been destroyed.
Successive regimes bear a substantial amount of responsibility for this situation. We have today a demoralised police force who instead of being seen to be building up its force and equipping itself (with safe city cameras) for greater public safety, is rather being perceived to be devoting more of its resources on targeting adversaries of the government of the day.
One top politician rightly commented that : « La police a le devoir d'assurer l'ordre et la paix pour tous et partout. Le Premier ministre doit réaliser que plusieurs incidents démontrent que certains prennent la loi entre leurs mains. Tout excès ne peut que fragiliser encore plus notre tissu social. Il est grand temps que l'on retrouve notre sentiment de sécurité dans la vie de tous les jours et dans tous les événements que nous vivons ».
All our political and social leaders, without exception, should be taking such a stand -firmly and unequivocally denouncing such incidents-"CHOQUANT, REVOLTANT et SCANDALEUX" . That's a wake-up call !