Friday, February 7, 2025

Quel Culot !

After the arrest of the Gooljaury brothers, what’s making the headlines is the shocking revelation by the PM in his parliamentary reply that the MSM government has squandered a whopping 110 million dollars  (with annual maintenance costs of 7.5 million dollars and  evidence of over-billing ) on purchasing highly sophisticated equipments for state  surveillance of the entire nation.

An independent audit and evaluation of Airport Holdings Ltd (AHL) !


Now that things seem to be stabilising at MK following its Annual Meeting of Shareholders and the appointment of a temporary Managing Committee with executive powers pending the nomination of a new Chief Executive Officer, ( as in the pre-2014 days waiting for NCR to come out of his proverbial lethargy and now familiar equivocation ), it’s time now for the Governor of the Bank of Mauritius to ask for a full audit of AHL, which has not yet published its audited financial accounts since its setting-up in August 2021.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Inspiring speech by ReA’s MP Babita Thannoo- “acting upon our care”

In her maiden speech in the National Assembly on Tuesday, Babita Thannoo called for far-reaching changes. Hailing the govt programme 2025-29 as a beacon of hope, the MP emphasised social justice and the need to overcome community divisions. She has stressed the urgent need to rebuild the country and undertake major reforms to meet people's expectations.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

UK denies it faces paying billions more for Chagos

 The UK government has denied claims made by the prime minister of Mauritius that it faces paying billions more under a renegotiated deal over the future of the Chagos Islands.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Silver Bank and the MIC ! Eski sey sa ki LePep pé démandé ?


L’express rushes to the rescue of Sithanen ! It has not been difficult for the Chief Editor to make the transition from Padayachy to Sithanen !

Saturday, February 1, 2025

A Moody’s downgrade was inevitable, but it could have been worse !

Our top economists had been warning us for some time now that there was a serious risk that Moody’s would downgrade us starting with an outlook change to negative, followed by a lower than investment grade rating, or junk status.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The culture of cronyism continues unabated !

The recent nominations of some old guards continue to raise eyebrows, if not disgust ! Pé distribué ban bouts pou "nou ban"; nou famis, nou partisans, nou ban suivers, ban chatwas, ban financiers, ban nouvo karapats kinn fin chanz lisyens !

Monday, January 27, 2025

Prime Minister visits Grand-Bassin .

The Maha Shivratree and Thaipoosam Cavadee Task Force, headed by our Prime Minister, visited Grand-Bassin yesterday. The purpose of the visit was to ensure that all the necessary arrangements are in place to welcome the pilgrims .

Friday, January 3, 2025

The treatment of minorities !

Why blame top fm ? that’s international news, what’s important is how we react to it ; there’s no need to find excuses ; there's always an excuse when we are in the mode Nou ban V/s Zot ban.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Clawing back: The deep reforms and restructuring the country needs !

There couldn’t have been a better reply to the ex-PM's Christmas and end-of-year message than Manou Bheenick’s assessment of the State of the Economy -the “rampage of dilapidation and depredation that we have suffered from the claws of the kleptocrats who have brought the economy to ruins”- in his MT interview of the 27th December.