The earlier nomination of mostly old guards was glossed over because the country had to get going with some urgent tasks like an assessment of the State of the Economy to tackle the risk of a Moody’s downgrade , the stabilisation of the rupee, the needed kick-start to get the ministries and important institutions cracking again..and we thought that after the President’s address, the Senior Officials’ Appointment Committee will take over making the necessary recommendations to Government on the appointment of heads of our major institutions.
Some of the latest appointments are just not acceptable …not palatable ..We won’t comment the appointment of Mr Lormesh Bundhoo ,-his cartoonish caricature is already streaming the social networks -including the one where he is “ ze ze-ing en dehor du boite” unashamedly and insipidly at one of of our elite schools-which have already pegged him as another national crackpot of our traditional Mauritian folklore. And our grandfathers and grandmothers, nanis, dadas and dadis will be telling the story that “once upon time there was a Minister , a close relative of the PM, who reached the summit of his popularity by delivering a “gem” of a speech at one of our ….The moral of the story for our future generation is that it’s “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”
What about our "Young Turks" and the few specialists, the ecologists, the few virtuosos or maestros in their particular field ? We have a whole list of them that can be submitted to the Appointment Committee!
In the financial services sector for example, we need more of the Young Turks and specialists .
The industry is being fundamentally transformed by deep structural changes driven by technology, digitisation, regulation, evolving customer expectations and other disruptive forces.
Innovation is the heart of finance today, driving financial institutions to break free from old ways and explore new horizons. The ability to adapt and innovate continually allows these institutions to stay ahead and meet evolving customer needs. It’s a time of boundless imagination where bold ideas drive change. New fintech startups, digital platforms, core banking modernization, low TCO, and hybrid cloud architecture and innovative business strategies are emerging for developing chatbots, experiencing portals, or a blockchain solution coupled with the evolution of AI which has driven the creation of sophisticated, innovative applications.
There is a distinctive energetic pulse among the "Young Turks" and specialists, due to their tech-savvy, data skills and mobile-first habits ,when we discuss the reshaping of the financial services sector. They are ready to place themselves at the forefront of both adapting to new technologies and using the latest tech to create real value for clients. These changes could benefit consumers, investors, and the industry as a whole.
It is clear that giving a chance to our Young Turks means that we are presenting a significant opportunity for our financial institutions and fintech players to offer meaningful services that resonate with a highly engaged, tech-savvy audience that wants companies to meet them where they are.
In many countries , Young Turks have taken the leadership in changing the financial sector for the better, demanding that companies take accountability for their impact on the environment and reduce their carbon emissions, and looking for institutions that reflect their ethical values. Additionally, younger users demand hyper personalisation and speed from their payments/service providers, expecting seamless and user-friendly interfaces.
These innovators are not afraid to jump between accounts, moving between incumbents, fintechs, and challenger institutions to get what they need. They will transform the fintech landscape in a relatively short period and define the trends of the sector .
If we want our institutions, especially the financial institutions , to deliver , to remain relevant, functioning and competitive , we must be prepared to give the Young Turks, specialists, ecologists, experts,… a chance to leverage their specialised knowledge , their tech-skills and innovation drive to bring du “vre sanzman” and meet the challenges ahead.
Prak Nee
The policy of the government to recycle old cronies into important positions is really intriguing. It is an insult to the intelligence of people, specially the youth who voted for political change hoping that meritocracy will prevail henceforth. More than experience and seniority, political affinity is the main criterion for most of the new appointments. To the technology-savvy youth, the government is saying: take a walk. When the world is becoming more competitive with new technologies that require talents (latest example being AI tool Deepseek), we are bringing back people into positions of power who have run out of ideas.
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Aryani Devi Sumoondur
Prak Nee Again tell me, why did those who voted for Changement think it would be different this time? Because of the alliance with ReA? Aside from bringing on ReA, what did they show pre-elections that even gave an inkling that there would finally be a paradigm shift?
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Prak Nee
Aryani Devi Sumoondur well they promised rupture and people gave them the benefit of the doubt. After 10 years in the desert, we thought they would do things differently.
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Nalini Burn
Aryani Devi Sumoondur you chat as if one should have voted l'alliance lepep, non? ( i remember this too well. Nobody is naive. Here, you have with just an alternance, the possibility ( however slim) of building something, constructively.
Have you seen the others, actually offer an alternative, that could get elected? They have vanished.
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Aryani Devi Sumoondur
You might as well rename your series of notes - The Band of Old Cojones.
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Nand Ghurburrun
Only, the mentally handicapped believed in Ramgoolam and his orgre ptr. Feel sad for the MMM.under the "croulant" berenger and his emotional, not at all ideological, chatwas, am sorry for the term, mais Comme militant de premiere heurre, je suis révolté. Pas toi?
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Prak Nee
Nand Ghurburrun the mmm is swallowing all couleuvres lest it would be kicked out if it spoke up. Labour has used mmm and ReA to refurbish its credentials only to do more of the same old shit.
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Nalini Burn
Nand Ghurburrun and what are you doing actively to be a premiere heure à nouveau? What have you proposed, are proposing?
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