The Prime Minister reviewed the existing infrastructure, the security measures and facilities for pilgrims, while assessing the planned management of the massive influx of worshippers. Coordination between the forces of law and order, the emergency services and the various departments responsible was highlighted as crucial to the smooth running of the events.
The Prime Minister criticized the lack of action between 2014 and 2024, saying that despite numerous visits to the site, nothing had been done.
He stresses the fact that “Zot ti pe politiz tou." and he insisted on the need to preserve the sacred and apolitical spirit of religious festivities. Another key point addressed by the Prime Minister was the discipline to be maintained during the celebrations and the need to pray in silence and with serenity.
Yes PM, on this we are on the same wavelength; the yearly GB show by the socio-culturals and politicians must stop -zot fin faillir dan zot role pou fer Grand Bassin(GB) vinn enn lieu de recueillement, de méditation pou tou ban morisyens, tranquillement religieux, digne et serein pou tou ban pèlerins !
We also appreciate your call for the pilgrims to respect the regulations in force. “We will be very strict, and the police will take sanctions in the event of non-compliance with regulations. Fodé pas seki ine arriver, dimoune perdi la vie bêtement, ré-arriver. Tou sala ine arrivé, parski M. Dulthumun ti pe fer sa vine ene compétition. Nou bizin vine plus sprituel.”
Yes , Sir , the festival should be a congregation of devotees from all religions, with discipline and immersed in the present moment not a circus, a riot of loud music- earth shattering remixes perturbing other pilgrims or the neighbourhood - chaotic exuberance, unbridled crowd encroaching on the rights of others, disturbing people in the middle of the night, causing disruptions to the traffic and feeling shamelessly proud of their rowdy behaviour.
But we did not appreciate that for this site visit it seems that the whole police force had to be mobilised, aligned every 200 metres all along the road from Vacoas to GB. Have me missed something ! Why this heavy deployment of the police ? Is this how our new CP will be managing the police force ? Is this how we will be optimising the use of the forces of law and order? That seems to remind us of the pre-2014 days when an Air Mts flight was kept waiting on the tarmac and the police force and the imposing “motards” were being deployed to…But that’s history now …and our voters are more bothered about their overwhelming appetite right now for change.