Friday, September 17, 2021

Watch out for today’s tam tam about the Laureates !!!

“L’heure de verité for some 9000 candidates !!!
Intervention of the Minister of Education who is usually absent when she is most needed ! Live, la proclamation de la liste des resultats.
“Plateau special” on different radios and on live Facebook
Réactions à chaud des lauréates et candidats
Témoignage des parents
Ambiance dans les collèges
Émissions spéciales on radios as from 17.00hrs
Photo, vidéos et réactions sur Instagram
And it will be these very people, these very radios, these very newspapers, these very “Journalus “ who will be telling us that “our laureate system is illusory. It is just the tip of the iceberg that hides the rot that has spread to the whole system. It is costing the Treasury more than Rs 230 million yearly and is one of the causes of the ills of the education system. It encourages the proliferation of unnecessary private tuition. ........for an insane competition that vitiates learning rather than uplifts it. We have made a virtue of such competition which means others are seen a threat not a support…..and so on “
So then, why do they give so much importance to a rotten system ?
And some of our “Journalus" and radios who swear by the sacred shrine of our so-called “Mauritianism”, joined by the socio-cultural groups, will not miss the opportunity to add some venomous communal spices to these tam tams by glorying the achievements of one community versus others - our “Us vs. Them” mentality that pervades and corrupts everything ! -followed by competing communal/community celebrations to show off the " genuises" in their midst.
What are we celebrating ?
The failure of our education system !!! When so many countries have reformed their education system to be more in tune with today’s challenges and needs , we are still continuing with a rotten and elitist system that is failing our children and the country !!
When glaring needs in pre-primary and primary education are crying out for more urgent assistance, we are celebrating a system that subsidises the elite and encourages brain drain ….
There are powerful dynamics that are reshaping the education system to expand skills, broaden horizons and hold a competitive mirror against world standards, especially the fundamental changes in the approach to education with more emphasis on teaching people TO THINK CREATIVELY AND CRITICALLY RESPONDING TO THE IMPERATIVES OF A NEW ECONOMY. Equally significant are the life-long learning possibilities that will allow a succession of re-trainings and further training to equip people with the multi-skilled flexibility for the rising requirements and periodic changes that will be the characteristic of work in the coming decades.
That’s what our “Journalus” , our whole media should be asking to-day , how many our of educational products , our to-day’s graduates, are ready to work in a world where jobs are rarely for life and where adaptability is as prized as knowledge and creativity.
Has our education system helped them to think creatively , to acquire the ability to perceive things better to contribute meaningfully to the world of work ?
If not ? then, we should not be celebrating today but demanding the abolition of the laureate System !