Sunday, September 12, 2021

State of our Environment :

-Espèces menacées: Maurice 2ème sur la liste !
-The Draft National Land Development Strategy(NDS) pas à la hauteur !
-Un amas de résidus de coraux endommagés à l’entrée du lagon!
It's not only the economy that is in a mess, the state of our forests and the deficiencies in the Draft National Land Development Strategy are also quite worrying !
In the recent publication of the State of the World's trees from Botanic Gardens Conservation International, it is indicated that Mauritius is in second place among the three countries with the highest rate of endangered species, i.e. 57%, after Madagascar (59%), while the average rate is around 11% for the rest of the world. Chilling figures that show an urgency to act . Adi Teelock of the "Platform Moris Lanvironnman (PML)" , Carina Gounden of the "Aret Kokin Nu Laplaz (AKNL)" , and Mariam Sandooyea of the "Fridays For Future Mauritius (FFF)", sound the alarm bells.
PML also deplores the deficiencies in the Draft National Land Development Strategy .
Commentaires de Platform Moris Lanvironnman :
« Pas à la hauteur comme outil de planification devant guider un développement durable et résilient. »
The data collected on the oil spill on the southeast coast of the island by Lasanble Solider Mahebourg Sid-Est, Rezistans ek Alternativ and the Center For Alternative Research and Studies will make it possible to establish the true extent of the damage to the marine environment. Some preliminary information gathered on site confirms the thesis that the damage to the environment has been quite consequent - a huge pile of damaged coral residues just next to the site where the Japanese bulk carrier, Wakashio, leaked hundreds of tonnes of fuel oil . " Le gouvernment mauricien et les corporate interests japonais sont de mêche pour camoufler les dégâts écologiques et sociaux du Wakashio."