Sunday, September 5, 2021

The five main factors undermining the regime

The five main factors that would be determining the course of future events; the five crucial reasons why this regime is between two minds about the Municipal elections or a snap general elections at mid-mandate are :
Covid-19 : It ’s going out of control and Govt’s approach to covid-19 has been increasingly muddled and flat-footed, leaving much of the population dissatisfied. In such a time of crisis, instead of a more confident and transparent government, we are witnessing a failing govt and its inability to communicate effectively with the public.
Angus Road : All the ins and outs of this transaction are not in the public domain. Questions have been raised and it seems that the PM is having difficulties to clear the doubts. For how long will he continue in finding terrific excuses to kick the can down the road?
The Kistnen case: It’s proving to be more damaging day by day . The nation that was shocked to learn that a murder has been simulated to look like a suicide is losing trust in its institutions that are failing to deliver at all levels (omissions, tampering of evidence, hiding information, siding with criminals…) while its political representatives retreat into silent mode and proceed with business as usual.
Electoral petitions : Especially the case lodged by Suren Dayal against the elections of the three candidates of the Alliance Morisien, the elected representatives of the MSM, namely the Prime Minister and party leader, Pravind Jugnauth, and his two running mates, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, and former Minister Yogida Sawmynaden, of the Moka constituency.
Many people believe that there is a more than a 50% chance of the invalidation of the election of the leader of the MSM and his two running mates - the case seems to be quite solid resting on the following factors that may have “illegally” tilted the electoral playing-field in MSM’s favour: the announcement of the massive increase in the old age pension, the acceleration of the implementation of the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) report for January 2020, the promise to pay more than Rs 3 billion to Super Cash Back Gold (SCBG) insurance policyholders, the payment of a Performance Bonus to police officers, firefighters and prison officers, or the provision of large amounts of food, drinks and entertainment...and we have also the strong case on the electoral expenses of the MSM candidates prepared by the ReA on the basis of the Kistnen papers that were submitted to the Court.
The state of the economy: Govt has no clue how to get us out of the present mess that it has landed us with its irresponsible populist policies - The economy was already in a "mess" before the Covid-19 . There was lot of hope that the nightmare will be turned around by this government...We had hoped that the economic management will be in sharp contrast with the pre-Covid 19 one. We were also hoping that they would be delivering some macro economic strength to the economy by improvig some of the deteriorating economic fundamentals. There were the cyclical and structural issues that have been allowed during the past five years to become growing pains and even bore the risk of leaving the economy terminally ill. This government had no choice but to address them all.
They did not ; this irresponsible and incompetent regime left the patient to relapse, attending to the minor pains when the economy was calling for a badly needed heart surgery to get the main economic fundamentals right and the economy going again in all directions.
Unfortunately, with this government, economic management has today turned into economic irresponsibility which continues unabated despite the claims of a 9% growth revival - growing unemployment, depleted reserves, rising inflation, rapidly falling rupee, unsustainable fiscal and debt to GDP ratios….They are not facing economic realities, but peddling illusions and taking the country to its doom.