Thursday, September 30, 2021

What do taxpayers think about the DOCA for our National Airline?

Was it the only solution ?
I am just thinking aloud and joining the many so-called x-perts on Air Mauritius. There are so many of them waxing lyrical now on what should and should not be done !

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Let us give Ken Arian a chance !

Weird “maniere de voir” by El Figaro in L’express of today; an analysis that looks beyond the swirl of events, against the dreary background of hubris, myopia , duplicity and cronyism ,to try to convince us not to deny the newly appointed ex-senior adviser at the PMO a chance to prove himself as super CEO of Airport Holdings.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The SBM Holdings Ltd- a cash-cow for political nominees

The SBM Holdings Ltd- a cash-cow for political nominees

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Ease of Doing Business Report Discontinued .

In 2011, I had a public spat with the then Financial Secretary , Ali Mansoor, that started with my article the “Guy must go” published in MT under the pen name Mohun Kanhaya , followed by his “Right of Reply”. I countered in “ TINA Policies: A Re-assessment” and Ali Mansoor hit back, with the support of his ministry, in a "Mise au Point", overwhelming everybody , including my Chief Editor, by displaying an avalanche of carefully picked achievements – an exalted list compiled very technocratically and in minute details. My Chief Editor gave him full marks ...I retreated with tails tucked firmly between my legs...

Are we being anti-patriotic ?

Someone rightly said that “true patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else. “ and Einstein added “Nationalism(read Patriotism): An infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.”

Friday, September 17, 2021

Watch out for today’s tam tam about the Laureates !!!

“L’heure de verité for some 9000 candidates !!!
Intervention of the Minister of Education who is usually absent when she is most needed ! Live, la proclamation de la liste des resultats.
“Plateau special” on different radios and on live Facebook
Réactions à chaud des lauréates et candidats
Témoignage des parents
Ambiance dans les collèges
Émissions spéciales on radios as from 17.00hrs
Photo, vidéos et réactions sur Instagram

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Pour enn Nuvo Moris non-komunal , enn Nuvo system elektoral

It’s now some five years that Rezistans ek Alternativ filed a lawsuit against the State on the mandatory declaration of one's ethnicity for registering as a canditate for the general elections in Mauritius.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

State of our Environment :

-Espèces menacées: Maurice 2ème sur la liste !
-The Draft National Land Development Strategy(NDS) pas à la hauteur !
-Un amas de résidus de coraux endommagés à l’entrée du lagon!

L'économie à genoux ?

The PM "Pei finn azenou ek kantité dépans kin bizinn fer"
The economy is in dire straits , they have brought it on its knees by their incompetent management and irresponsible populist policies that have led to the "kantité depans kinn bizin fer"

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Teachers should be seen as as carriers of "emancipatory education"

Teachers should be seen as as carriers of emancipatory education"
"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. — Kahlil Gibran"

The five main factors undermining the regime

The five main factors that would be determining the course of future events; the five crucial reasons why this regime is between two minds about the Municipal elections or a snap general elections at mid-mandate are :

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Containing inflation: Is the Central Bank running out of ammunition?

You recall that the exceptional Rs 60 billion of money creation by the BoM to finance a higher budget deficit -the monetary deficit financing as opposed to Quantitative Easing(QE) by many countries-was met with disapproval from the IMF which considered such financing as a last-resort mechanism, when it is not possible to obtain enough financing from any other source. “Moreover, it should be on market terms, restricted in time, and with an explicit repayment plan over the medium term.” The monetizing of deficits has undermined the ability of the BoM to keep inflation under control .