Sunday, November 15, 2020

What's wrong with America ?

What's wrong with America ?
It has become more egotistical, both scholars conclude.
Extract: "THE RANCOUR of American politics, say these two distinguished scholars, is a symptom of an even deeper malaise. Robert Putnam charts a rise in economic inequalities, cultural tribalism and frayed social connections since the 1960s—when, he recalls, the spirit of solidarity and reform was by contrast strong. Michael Sandel focuses on the meritocratic rat-race and its justifications, which create, in his words, “hubris among the successful and resentment among the disadvantaged”.
Both blame the ills they identify on widespread acceptance of egotistical go-getting at a cost to common purpose. Their bleak picture of private indifference to public welfare prompts an equally sweeping solution. America needs nothing less, they think, than a recovery of community and rededication to the common good.'

Robert Putnam and Michael Sandel diagnose America
It has become more egotistical, both scholars conclude. But is there a way back?

Vijay Bhattu