Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Appreciating our diversity means recognising injustices and pursuing equality.

I came across an article on FB titled "Hindu Power – An Illusion up to Now" and i felt that i had to say something about this specific para. of the article " Brain-washed for years by politicians and Press, the Hindus, more than other communities, tend to think in terms of “Mauricien” instead of “Hindu”.
Whether i am a Hindu, Christian , Muslim or Buddhist or...we have all been taught by the enlightened masters that the whole world is our family, that all humanity is our race and it is our duty to fight injustice wherever it is. Whoever is in power, we cannot condone state capture, lies, nepotism, crown lands for cronies and eviction from state lands for the poor and injustice towards any community.
So we are brainwashed when we refuse to defend the Sun Trust erected with its doubtful contributions, the political leader with "coffre-fort' full of millions of rupees including, among other things, some of the FED's freshly printed dollar notes and the other one who has yet to convince us that there's nothing fishy in the Angus Road deals. And the Press which reports and queries these transactions/affairs has become the enemy of one community. What logic is that ? A "Hinduism" logic?
This land is neither the property of corporates nor that of one community. It belongs to all of us from the different religions and cultures that we have to bring them together, and string them in a beautiful garland and our Diversity needs to be honored, acknowledged and celebrated. ( NOT BY BRANDISHING SWORDS AND DISPLAYING OTHER NATIONS’ FLAGS-THE MANOEUVRES OF A BESIEGED REGIME ATTEMPTING SOME COUNTEROFFENSIVES).
That’s what all our great masters from different religion and cultures have taught us .
It is in that sense that I renounce your" Hinduism" to be more Mauritian and in tune with my religiosity -an example.-When in Vedic ritual, they say ‘O, Mother Divine, you present yourself in such diverse way. Mother, you are in so many different forms.’ (When things are not of your own form, your own type, you always have a fear about it. Someone who is not like you, someone who doesn’t belong to you, you have some fear about them). Mother Divine remove this fear from my mind and let me recognize you in all the diverse creation. This is the prayer. And it is said, ‘Mother, you have manifested yourself in such diversity, in such variety, how I can sing thy glory!’
We welcome the comments of the Leader of the Opposition « Je condamne toute atteinte à l'harmonie et l'unité nationale. Toutes les religions prêchent des valeurs de tolérance. L’harmonie sociale est importante. Dans n'importe quelle manifestation
, il est important de proner l’'unité nationale. Je condamne avec force ceux qui tentent de porter atteinte à l’harmonie et la paix sociale . Jamais je n'avais vu dans des rallyes des épeés, ou d'autres instruments susceptibles de déranger la paix sociale être ainsi deployés. Nous devons tout mettre en oeuvre pour que l'harmonie sociale soit consolidée."

Prakash Neerohoo, Raj Ramlugun and 6 others
1 comment


  • Very well said, as usual...Religion is the opium of the people...or may i say, of some people!