Monday, November 9, 2020

For our Mauritianness to prevail

To this posting by Avinash
" I'm a hindu.. Proudly so.. But what I'm most proud of, is the fact that I'm MAURITIAN.. YEAH I'M MAURITIAN FIRST, THEN HINDU. It's the same for any other Muslim, Christian, Chinese etc... We r all Mauritians first!!
Si nu pa resaisi nu... Nu p al direk vers n crise social..
Guys, servi zt lesprit. Et aret lamem... In dja tro tard mais pa empire n situation ki dja dan bez... Et oci nu PM p profite de sa situation la pu creer enkr plis division dan nu pay"
I commented " Moi mo kroir ki nu bizin alle pli loin dan bâtir enn vrai nation morisyenn. Ena buku hypocrisie parmi nu kan nu brandir le drapo morisyenn. It is not a show like when we display occasionally the national flag on our cars and houses ; it is genuine but unfortunately this example of national solidarity is just a flash in the pan and we revert back to our deviant ways seeking the comforts of silos, competing or comploting against other silos. We are living in this nation as in a rented house. We are failing to create a collective belongingness in the hearts of the people of this nation . And until we create this feeling within every Mauritian, we will be more busy in shutting off the nation than running it”
For a more integrated understanding of each other, the different religions and cultures have to be brought together and strung in a beautiful garland and our Diversity needs to be honored, acknowledged and celebrated. I believe that the key to understanding and appreciating each other , lies in education - a multi-cultural education that encourages pluralism. A great humanitarian and spiritual leader advises that “The right education is that which creates a reverence for diversity in nature and a sense of belonging with the whole world. Opening up a youth’s mind to respecting other religions and cultures, bringing up a young person in a world that encourages human values, like a sense of oneness with others, trust and compassion is the only sustainable solution. When youths begin to understand that human values exist in all the great traditions; , when the young glimpses the humanity of believers of other faiths; and when they know that truth is expressed outside their own religion, then narrow-mindedness, will not survive." And our own typical Mauritianness will prevail.
Narrow-mindedness exists among the extremists in all religions/communities; do not give importance to these 'têtes brûlées" and the ones who hide behind the Mauritian flag to fan the flames of division. The need of the hour is to transform the mindset of exclusivity into ones of understanding and acceptance of the bonds that we have forged naturally over years and years, uniting our minds and hearts.
Let us consolidate it !!!

Harish Chundunsing, Rhitesh Chummun and 4 others
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