Saturday, November 28, 2020

THE FAILURE OF THIS REGIME : "The rebuilding of ADSU into a dedicated, well-equipped and well trained police unit"

Typical of this regime, whenever they are under pressure, they make sure they drop a bone of contention-the Death Penalty this time- ensuring that we keep on chewing it and bickering over it, thus suceeding in detracting us from the main issue -their failure to rebuild ADSU and its re-equipping with more modern and appropriate tools to tackle drug trafficking. This is what the regime should have been doing as recommended by the Commission of Inquiry Report. See some comments below:
The Commission of Inquiry Report headed by Paul Lam Shang Leen had commented that “The systematic arrest of small fries coupled with the relative success of the controlled delivery exercise to lay hands on the local consignees should have been a cause of concern that the strategy did not pay. So long as the real drug traffickers have not been arrested, there will be a continuous flow of mules with changing strategy to beat the vigilance of the law enforcement agencies. “
About ADSU, the Commission had noted that “ it has become apparent that ADSU has outlived its purpose and evidence has shown that there are systemic failures which can no longer be cured. The scale and extent of the drug problems in the country leaves no room for doubt or emotions but calls for bold and incisive actions. ……. ADSU has to some extent achieved results but it is the Commission's opinion that this entity which is and has remained nothing more than a unit of the police, is seriously under-equipped whether in terms of man power, expertise and skills, technology and equipment to fight the upscaling of drug dealing and trafficking.”
The Commission recommended the disbandment of the ADSU and the Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit and to replace them by a single independent body, the National Drugs Investigation Commission (NDIC) which will spearhead the war against drug offences with special powers of arrest, investigation and prosecution.
As I have oft said this Govt is guilty of not knowing what are the priorities of the day. It has spent billions on untimely and prestige projects (Metro Express,Safe city, Sports Complex...) and on populist measures when the urgency was to tackle the more pressing issues like more resources for the diversification of our exports, for the training and re-skilling of our youth, food security, attending to the leakages in our water distribution system etc …..AND most importantly battling the growing drug problem especially the proliferation of synthetic drugs (its easy availability is taking its toll on the youth). That's the failure of this regime. We are paying the price today. Après la mort, la tisane. As if the death penalty will solve all the failures of this regime- a saga of incompetence and mediocrity.
"Les trafiquants sont mieux équipés que l’ADSU "Me. Rama Valayden confirms it today.
We pay homage to Dimple Raghoo, the brave fighter who never gave up.

Prakash Neerohoo, Asif Jeetun and 7 others