Saturday, November 14, 2020

The nauseatingly arrogant and spinless Chihuahua !

A waste of an interview in today’s l’express that leaves one so disgusted. Our national Chihuhua, besides being so nauseatingly conceited, cannot give us a straight answer to a straight question.
Q: Mais je veux connaitre votre opinion . Est-il en train de violer ses principes en refusant de démissionner ?
A Écoutez, il a une responsabilité envers le pays. Je pense que aussi farfelues que peuvent étre les accusations...
D Fartelues ? Elles sont precises non ?
A : Farfelues ou précises ! Quand je l’écoute, elles sont farfelues, quand je vous lis, elles sont précises. . (SIC)
He is still clinging to the hope that he will be reinstated as Deputy Prime Minister (« Ce n’est pas une éventualité précipitée ») after the time that it will take ICAC to complete its pretence of an investigation on St Louis Gate.
Such people including the likes of the Ganoos , Obeegadoos, Ramanos have been at the forefront of the MMM's "Lalit" for some 35 years and more. For so many years the MMM has harboured such people and continue to do so.
The only way for the mainstream parties, still anchored in dynastic and communal politics, to continue remaining relevant is to shed the old guards for the new progressist young Turks and to dismantle the hegemony of a coterie of the old guards that has used its loyalty to the leaders to stay politically relevant- a genuine generational shift within the parties.
If we do not want to be outraged by the acts of such turncoats and repulsive politicians who to attain power are prepared to make any kind of concessions in the fight against corruption, nepotism, drug trafficking, law and order issues, income inequality, injustice and the environmental challenges that we have been facing in the past five years, we have to give a chance to the new breed of the new generation; we cannot continue with such a corrupt, archaic and incompetent gerontocracy that has imposed itself all around- in politics, in the public and private sectors, in trade unions , in administration, in SOEs, in the board rooms,u name it !!
Starting by the political parties, they should encourage new faces or young reformist Turks- who though novice in politics should possess the right kind of talent in terms of innovative ideas, experience and expertise to be given the opportunity of assuming eventually the mantle of leadership. These truely tested and committed young Turks are likely to be doing politics differently and projecting an alternative and better value system, governance structure and a more credible and convincing ideological narrative than what we have at present among the mainstream parties.
I still believe that it’s our only hope as I wrote some time back
"We can rely on them to alter the political matrix by demolishing the shibboleths of dynasty, caste and communalism or ethnicity. We can trust them; we can expect them to make mistakes but they are more likely to be working selflessly for the nation. They will earn their credibility by their proposed programmes and policies and more importantly they can give us hope -hope that things will be different by and large and they have a narrative and they are firm about living up to their commitments, not the type to fool the electorate by mere alliances and promises. If they are given the chance, it could turn out to be so transformational, so challenging, so change demanding, so reforming, that it would create a moment to come together and re-turbo our commitment for a new and and advancing Mauritius. The yearning for change will be their greatest ally.”

Harish Chundunsing, Rhitesh Chummun and 14 others



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