Monday, November 23, 2020

A New Economic model !!!

Rezistans ek Alternativ (ReA) is one of the few maintream political parties that has consistently fought against the imposition upon us of the present economic model and the accompanying tyranny of “no alternatives” and has unwaveringly questionied the very basis of our development model.
In a recent interview in Mauritius Times, Kugan Parapen of ReA reiterates the fact that "Rezistans ek Alternativ has been advocating for a new economic model for many years and the pandemic presented a unique opportunity to lay the foundation for this much needed model. Alas, the status quo has been maintained. Are we throwing good money after bad money once more? The structural imbalances within our economy are here to stay and will likely give rise to further economic problems down the road...”
One of our few economists who refuses to remain trapped within the box of the old policies and the old ways of thinking !!! -He had proposed an alternative model of development with ample creative ideas on “land democratization”, import substitution, the local economy, food security, the SME sector, culture, education, sports, the fishing industry ,….while integrating environmental constraints.
In this interview ,he calls for a rethinking of our tourism sector-" The short-term survival of the tourism industry is vital for the local economy; however, over the long-term, it would be wise to revisit the domestic economic model to ensure a lesser dependence on this particular sector overall...”
Truly major reforms await the country, things that were not tried in the past. When economic actors rethink their activities and financing models around more sustainable frameworks, more and more Mauritians may become convinced that we need not be returning to the status-quo of the pre-Covid world and thus call for a rupture with our present economic model- a rupture that will mean a limit to the construction of hotels, the encroachment of our public beaches, a genuine Climate Change bill and an end to the Real Estate Schemes, among others.

Prakash Neerohoo, Harish Chundunsing and 11 others


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