Saturday, November 28, 2020

THE FAILURE OF THIS REGIME : "The rebuilding of ADSU into a dedicated, well-equipped and well trained police unit"

Typical of this regime, whenever they are under pressure, they make sure they drop a bone of contention-the Death Penalty this time- ensuring that we keep on chewing it and bickering over it, thus suceeding in detracting us from the main issue -their failure to rebuild ADSU and its re-equipping with more modern and appropriate tools to tackle drug trafficking. This is what the regime should have been doing as recommended by the Commission of Inquiry Report. See some comments below:

Friday, November 27, 2020

Inflationary Pressures: The making of this irresponsible regime

(Published in l'express Nov 2020)
The inflationary pressures which in normal times would have led to a consequential wage-price spiral is the making of this regime.This government amended the law governing the central bank to allow for a range of unconventional financing measures including a grant from the central bank to the government of an amount of Rs 60 billion.

Monday, November 23, 2020

A New Economic model !!!

Rezistans ek Alternativ (ReA) is one of the few maintream political parties that has consistently fought against the imposition upon us of the present economic model and the accompanying tyranny of “no alternatives” and has unwaveringly questionied the very basis of our development model.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Incompetence and Amateurism! We are footing the bill ! Watch out for the MIC !!!

In an article in Mauritius Times dated April 2019, I argued that the cost of dismantling the BAI could well reach a final amount of Rs20 bn and that the public will be footing the bill in the coming years, after having been fed with illusions of high returns from the outright sale of NIC, Maubank, Apollo Hospital, and other BAI assets.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Inexact and flawed arguments of the Minister of Finance

First flaw: Mr Payadachy reminds us that “En tant que gouvernement responsable, avec une pandémie, nous avons utilisé toutes les recettes disponibles à travers le monde et nous avons utilisé, oui, le quantitative easing parce que c’est ce qui se fait à travers le monde, en particulier dans les pays avancés. Donc, pourquoi les pays avancés peuvent l’utiliser, et là, il n’y a pas de critique de la part du FMI,et nous en tant que pays en voie de développement, on n’a pas le droit d’utiliser ce genre de mécanisme parce qu’on est un pays en voie de développement...”

Sunday, November 15, 2020

What's wrong with America ?

What's wrong with America ?
It has become more egotistical, both scholars conclude.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

The nauseatingly arrogant and spinless Chihuahua !

A waste of an interview in today’s l’express that leaves one so disgusted. Our national Chihuhua, besides being so nauseatingly conceited, cannot give us a straight answer to a straight question.
Q: Mais je veux connaitre votre opinion . Est-il en train de violer ses principes en refusant de démissionner ?
A Écoutez, il a une responsabilité envers le pays. Je pense que aussi farfelues que peuvent étre les accusations...
D Fartelues ? Elles sont precises non ?
A : Farfelues ou précises ! Quand je l’écoute, elles sont farfelues, quand je vous lis, elles sont précises. . (SIC)

Monday, November 9, 2020

For our Mauritianness to prevail

To this posting by Avinash
" I'm a hindu.. Proudly so.. But what I'm most proud of, is the fact that I'm MAURITIAN.. YEAH I'M MAURITIAN FIRST, THEN HINDU. It's the same for any other Muslim, Christian, Chinese etc... We r all Mauritians first!!
Si nu pa resaisi nu... Nu p al direk vers n crise social..
Guys, servi zt lesprit. Et aret lamem... In dja tro tard mais pa empire n situation ki dja dan bez... Et oci nu PM p profite de sa situation la pu creer enkr plis division dan nu pay"

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Appreciating our diversity means recognising injustices and pursuing equality.

I came across an article on FB titled "Hindu Power – An Illusion up to Now" and i felt that i had to say something about this specific para. of the article " Brain-washed for years by politicians and Press, the Hindus, more than other communities, tend to think in terms of “Mauricien” instead of “Hindu”.