Monday, December 28, 2020

Who are the liars ?

“Azordi mansonz inn vinn enn zafer trop fasil…”
That was Leela-Devi Dookun-Luchoomun at the Arya Samaj of L’Avenir on Sunday 20th December . She was discoursing on the principles of the Arya Samaj and was unashamedly drawing a parallel to the difficulties encountered by Swami Dayanand with the ways of doing of some people here…She also added that "Bien que la vérité prenne du temps, elle fera surface un jour (..) “
She did not know that she would get caught up in her own words/admonitions.
The Kistnen's papers show that the three candidates of Constituency No 8 have exceeded the authorized spending limit in the 2019 general election- for e.g some Rs 2 million rupees just on the item “ Refreshments and Base” at Quartier Militaire/Moka on 6 November 2019.
As required by law, they swore an affidavit after the 2019 election to declare their respective expenses. Those of Yogida Sawmynaden amount to Rs 121,333. Leela Devi Dookun swears to have used Rs 123,333 and the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, claims to have spent Rs 124,333..
Who are the liars ? Which principles were they referring to ?
At least we can be sure of one political party “ki pas parey” to the lot- it’s the ReA – no contribution whatsoever from the ex-BAI conglomerate or any other conglomerates.
“Pa vinn dir nou ki tou fer parey»
« Le système électoral étale ses pourritures. Si l'authenticité de ces documents est confirmée, il y aurait au moins deux infractions commises. A savoir, la violation de la loi concernant le montant autorisé par la Commission électorale, et celle d'avoir juré un faux affidavit. On l'a toujours dit : le délai pour la soumission des 'returns' et celui pour contester des élections doit être le même. Les trois députés ont des explications à donner aux mandants du n° 8 ainsi qu’à toute la nation mauricienne. Ne venez pas nous dire que c'est ce que fait tout le monde.»
Unfortunately , problems of evidence may frustrate the finding of substantive truths. Beware, it may all end up like Tyack 's infamous "carnet la boutique" at MK.

Prakash Neerohoo, Raj Dabysingh and 8 others


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