Sunday, December 6, 2020


With the Kistnen affair, we have crossed a new threshold that is scaring and chilling for the country.
Kistnen, an activist of the MSM, was found dead, half burnt, in a cane field, barefoot with the remains of burned documents found in his hand. His death seems to be related to cases of fraud, corruption and embezzlement.
Simla Kistnen, the widow, is convinced that her husband has been murdered . Kistnen was on the point of denouncing the mafia links that exist between power and those who revolve around power and public institutions especially the financial scams related mainly to emergency purchases during the confinement with the complicity of several ministries , the State Trading Corporation and companies that had nothing to do with the health sector.
What’s really frightening, if we choose to ignore the more sensational or colourful items like possible uses of pethidine doses , a damaged cell phone that was replaced, an unreliable partner who has a criminal record , a pair of scissors found under the body and a white car that was stalking Kistnen and his son ,are
• the ambiguous role of the police and the bodyguards,
• allegation of its being a suicide case without proper autopsy
• safe city cameras which are not of much use when they are needed the most.
• the alleged misappropriation of the Rs 15,000 salary that was supposedly intended for Kistnen's widow, which is enough to cause the downfall of the Minister, Yogida Sawmynaden
. denunciation of electoral fraud - some 12,000 Bangladeshi nationals who allegedly voted in the last election
• the court room which was full of plainclothes police officers, including those from the National Security Service who were denying access to the court room to the relatives of Soopramanian Kistnen,
• a dangerous mix of threats, intimidation, influence peddling and illicit enrichment and
• the lot of political agents and law-enforcing public officials, who have now become convinced that they are above the law as they are well-connected to the mighty who are prepared to back them to the hilt, “donnant donnant”
After the sweeping takeover of the district councils where money talked with "rodeur boutes" aplenty and now this !!! Where is the country heading – emulating Mugabe land ?

Prakash Neerohoo, Rashmee Daby and 7 others
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