Monday, July 25, 2022

The credibility of our politicians !

The credibility of our politicians !
See how our mainstream newspapers and MTimes are preparing us for the comeback of our dinosaurs- politicians as if they are the only alternatives left….a kind of glossy advert that tries to close our eyes and blocked our ears to the devastation they had caused by their past actions and policies…..

They have adorned new clothing , but they are the same bunch of professionalised, cosseted, smart and cynical politicians who have used the same identity politics, the very ones who have encroached on our democracy, on the effectiveness and transparency of our institutions , on our governance, on accountability ….; one regime after the other, they handed over the levers of power to the traditional propertied oligarchy. If we are in such a mess today, these politicians cannot escape their responsibility !
Now, their show has started ! They make and unmake us, they have power of raising and casting down,….They have power to exalt low things and abase high things, and make of their subjects, like men on a chessboard, -- we are pawns in their hands …we continue to believe them because they are good at fooling us ..See how our journalus flock to them, again and again for the shrill theatrics , the same old gesticulations , the same old tricks, the same noubanisme !
They have all flouted the principles of sound public finances and the GFSM 2001 standards -they all created funds outside the budget.
They have also followed the same populist policies, turning our elections into auctions where they compete to be more generous than others to voters on pensions and other bread and butter issues. One of them even proposed, what he claims now, after witnessing its wrecking effects on the economy - “mild doses” of helicopter money.(sic) The voice and agent of the private sector is now criticising the MIC- in our local saying , we’ll say “pena lamour propre sa!”
Now that they are selling off the country's land, is it that different from previous policies on the Silver Economy , on residence permits , on luxurious villas, IRS, Smart Cities, PDS, …? ”Oligarchs & the political elite pé fer nou vin locataire dan nou pays ...…! Koins nou dan ban ghettos...gated communities pou ban riches ek étrangers ! La terre pou Food Security, pé kouyonn nou !”
How can we talk about self-sufficiency in food when our strategic land assets are being sold to foreigners and when they should have been put to productive use? There has never been any coherence in our policies for a more optimal utilization and sustainable use of land and other natural resources, the development of our coastal regions and protection of marine life, agro-industrial production for food security and a thriving fishing industry. How can we trust these dinosaurs still trapped within the box of the old policies and the old ways of thinking !!! There are alternatives to this model of development which are both desirable and workable. But it will not be coming from them !
The lost decades: Growth dwindled to an average rate of only 4.0% over the past two decades, nearly a two percentage points below the heady historical trend. The long run growth potential was insufficient to absorb the unemployed and growth was not broad-based enough to achieve the desired above-average growth rates.. Our dinosaurs did not have the guts to carry out the sector reforms to generate and enhance productivity improvements. How many of these old guards will have it written in black and white in their political manifestos that“ restoring economic balance rests on tough fiscal and monetary measures, and that we’ll have to change course on populist policies and ensure that the country lives within its means .”
Regulatory capture : Whereas this regime amended the gambling and horse-racing legislations for the benefit of its financier, the gaming moghul, the previous “poligarchs” also amended the banking legislations to relax the limitation on investments and non-banking operations for the financial conglomerate, engaged in both banking and insurance activities, which was also their financier.
We all know how the FSC adopted light-touch regulation, while the FRC went into hibernation. The politically-connected insurance conglomerate was thus relieved from strong oversight to pursue the expansion of its risky business without complying with prudential requirements, and in financial accounting opacity.
The Bank of Mauritius became even more subservient, and approved the grant of a banking licence to the Group in 2006, despite having knowledge of the reservations held about its insurance activities. Even the appointment of a Deputy Governor at the Bank of Mauritius was at the discretion of the financial conglomerate. The mauritian banking and insurance sector was littered with the remains of failed banks and insurance companies that relied on the strength of political connections to cover up their dismal management and improper business practices, often sheltered by accounting irregularities.
What is their agenda now besides “déboulon” Pinokio and his Lakwizinn ? A politics of revenge , more of the same noubanisme, same identity politics , the same “poligarchs” — meaning politicians who use state power to promote their own considerable business interests ?
Are they not the same politicians that are confused about their priorities for the country- fighting for their community, caste or whatever sects/groups ?
What are their proposals now ? Are they the alternative that Lepep have been waiting for ?
How many of them have rejected their traditional communal/caste-support bases to win over their electorates on governance/policy issues and on their call for a national renewal ?
Are they part of the new breed of politicians with new ideas and the guts to see them through ?
Are they a match to our new generation of politicians ? (ReA , En Avant Moris, the young Turks in traditional and new parties, and others...)
Do they have a better road map for our country ?
I doubt it !