Sunday, July 17, 2022

Our local saying “Manz bon Dieu, kk diable “ is partly wrong , partly right !

WRONG for people who regularly do their spiritual practice to eliminate their toxins, their negativity, improve their energy level, calm down the mind which is being enriched by regular intakes of spiritual knowledge from different sources and scriptures transforming the small ego into an expanded and calmer ego-a sense of belongingness to others ….these spiritual practices do something weird to your mind, ancient memories resurface, often with new feelings or perspectives attached; you start treating yourself with more compassion, more of understanding, more of self-love, life becomes an expression of happiness, you are happy unconditionally …you go inwards, the direct experience of your eternal centre of being …you find That...., the Universal Consciousness!
The benefits of these spiritual practices and knowledge are your birthright, whether you are Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Taoist, follow some other religion, or none at all. It is a private thing; it is between you and your self…spirituality is not self-centric; it is seeing the self in everybody.
….The enlightened soul from years and years of spiritual practice -call it prayers or meditation or devotion -finds goodness in everybody ; when he hears the church bells, the azaan or the conch calling devotees for prayers ,he cries …he is the consummate humanist-the one world family member…he cannot kk evil, kk le diable …he radiates love…he has an aura of bliss…
RIGHT when we make a show of our religion, we mistake our rituals , our routine, our holding on to the paper and believing we have already enjoyed the gift. 'It’s like putting a chocolate in your mouth with the foil wrapping still on. A little chocolate may seep through, but the foil makes sores in the mouth. You have not unwrapped the present. The whole world is there for you to enjoy. The wise know how to enjoy the gift inside, while the ignorants get stuck to the paper. "
The ignorants are there to show that their religion, their faith is the best, they have to make converts to their unique God, they make a show of it, …you find them on TV, in the newspapers , you find them in temples, in churches and in mosques , ….but look in their heart , you do not find love , you find a hardened ego , a wall, ..… they have cut themselves off from others, …Their insecurity drives them into the "us v/s them" dichotomy-the identity politics..they have to defend their religion against others …they are the ones who manz bon Dieu and kk evil.
They- many of them priests, pandits and maulanas, backed by their spiritual organisations - are quick to get on their high horses and judge and lecture us but actually they are the least qualified people to lecture us on our duties, our spiritual practices , our dharma. Without exaggeration, we can say that Mauritius's moral compass has been completely obliterated, carpet-bombed out of existence by these very custodians of morality and virtue and who are now giving us daily sermons on the preservation of our values, our religion ...(sic)
Look how they are chewing up this bone as if they have been waiting impatiently for such an opportunity , like vultures picking on their prey…Look at their aggresivity, look how they harp on the divisive issues , especially the high priests of the socio-cultural organisations who are not there to celebrate our diversity, to consolidate our “vivre ensemble”, even the wayward ones , but to propagate their "us v/s them" -a society of hatred and fracture-again the same identity politics …these are the ones who “manz bon Dieu and kk diable ”…