Saturday, July 9, 2022


Yes , Govt can do more for the underprivileged !
Inflation hit a high of 11.0% in April, before moderating slightly in June to 9.6 % — Mauritian families were suffering, but our government was busy collecting taxes .
Le directeur général de la MRA, Sudhamo Lal, a annoncé de son côté que la MRA a récolté un montant de Rs 112,6 milliards en termes de taxes à juin denier. « The revenue performance reflects two exceptional achievements. First the MRA for the first time in history exceeded the Rs 100 billion threshold of collections. Second compared to the preceding year, growth in revenues has been a staggering 26%. Never before on our history, have we, at MRA, registered such an exceptional increase in MRA revenues over a one-year period », dit-il.
Moreover, as inflation rises, the value of money decreases. This effectively lowers interest payments for governments on the debt they owe, because they now require a smaller percentage of total tax revenue to meet those payments.
Thus Govt can make an effort in the present dire situation to maintain the subsidies on the essential products consumed by the poor without adding to the burden on government finances. (..the maximum mark up is not functioning)
How? By postponing some of the non-priority projects of the PSIP (including the more than Rs 4 bn to the flood programmes) and cutting down on some current expenditures.
Les économistes confirment que les allocations versées par L'État (our money) ont fondus comme neige au soleil. Our growing import costs is a concern after the rupee continues its depreciating run against the dollar.
Consumers are bearing the brunt of rising food costs, reinstate the subsidies on the essential products !