Saturday, June 4, 2022

To the barbarians among us, these hypocrites !

We are not all barbarians ; but among us there are some !
Not only the rogue policeman !
Even among those who are criticising the rogue policemen , we have some barbarians !
They are among us, you find them everywhere , among our so-called avant-gardist politicians, in the sociocultural groups ,among different religious groups, among the positive discrimination and affirmative action groups, among our common citizens and intellectuals who are now clamouring for a stop to injustice and for a review of our human rights legislation-our bunch of selective humanists !!!!!!!
What about the human rights of the LGBTQIA+ community ?
What about prejudices rooted in run-of-the-mill homophobia. ?
What about the hate crimes against LGBTQ people ? What about our everyday homophobic hate speech?
What about the breach of their human rights ?
“Since 1838, we have a clause in the penal code, section 250, which continues to criminalize people of the same sex in their privacy "
There is a clear trend towards countries decriminalising homosexuality in many countries -with Bhutan, Angola, Gabon, Botswana, Mozambique, the Seychelles and Trinidad and Tobago all abolishing these laws in recent years. What about Mauritius ?
Will we continue like these barbarians encouraging a culture of darkness and shame…continuing with our persecution or unreasonable treatment or public vilification of the LGBTs ?
See in today’s l’express ; what about Jamel forced to shun the country and take refuge in France !
Un cri du coeur de Jamel aux Mauriciens : “Il faut accepter les gens comme ils sont, leur donner du courage car c'est sûr que l'on peut être different des autres mais cela ne veut pas dire qu'on ne peut pas vivre comme tout le monde. Etre homosexuel n'est pas une addiction ou une malédiction dont on peut guérir. On est né ainsi. Il est temps de changer de regard, certains sont morts parce qu'ils n'ont pas été acceptés et c'est triste. Alors apprenez à accepter les gens tels qu'ils sont.”
In many African and Asian ancient cultures and traditions we have many examples that speak of of equality for all, including the transgender, in the eyes of the people, the community, the divine, long before the West discovered equality as “right" .
“All genders, transgenders ....., even plants and animals, all living creatures who..... approach me with affection are dear to me.’ says the divine.
We condemn the mistreatment of minorities anywhere in the world.