Friday, June 24, 2022

"Rwanda is a brutal, repressive regime. Holding the Commonwealth summit there is a sham"

As our local spin dictator is paying a visit to another dictator friend in the context of the Commonwealth Summit (sic), I thought it apt to give greater publicity to Nalini Burn's above post:
My comments :
"Indeed, there are few people who have raised this dark side of Rwanda ! (willing to share my copy of M.Wong's book(pdf)).
Recently I had advised a friend to be wary about Rwanda; .... about the smoke screen that has ensnared many of our economists and bloggers.
These were my comments to a friend:
"I have read M.Wong's book on Rwanda and my friend , professor at Manchester Univ , Prof Behuria, who was on a visit to Mts some 2 years back and who has done extensive research on Rwanda sides with most of Wong's views on Rwanda...
Read also Timothy Longman ...."In the aftermath, Rwanda was stabilized under the firm hand of Paul Kagame, a rebel leader turned president who became the darling of guilt-ridden Western countries. Mr. Kagame won powerful allies, like Bill Gates, Tony Blair, and Bill and Hillary Clinton. Donors lavished aid on his government, which cut poverty, grew the economy and promoted women leaders.....
...But, Rwanda is also known as an authoritarian state where Mr. Kagame exerts total control, his troops are accused of plunder and massacres in neighbouring Congo, and political rivals are imprisoned, subjected to sham trials or die in mysterious circumstances at home and abroad. ".............
...Read also the recent articles in FT -"Britain's migrant deal is a boon to Kagame.", "Rwanda's Paul Kagame-Is he just another dictator"; and NYTimes' "How the hero of "Hotel Rwanda" fell into the vengeful Strongman's trap" and the latest "The Guardian" article by Michela Wong. "