Monday, June 27, 2022

Sociocultural groups co-opted by this regime

The whole lot of them ,from the casteist to the thuggish ones ,were there to give us another display, another version of “tap-la tab”; they had aligned themselves in neat rows of dutiful cheerleaders delivering paeans of praise for their supremo- leader and showing their gratefulness for the goodies that his Lieutenant Pada has showered upon the nation-a pittance but for them it's heavenly manna- skilfully interspersed with outbursts of threats that sounded like cracks of gunfire-“Nous ne resterons pas tranquilles en cas de menace”. lls ont également lancé une mise en garde à ceux qui montrent le « poing » dans les manifestations publiques contre le gouvernement.
Mind-you, this is not a virtual game, similar it may be to the hot-headed heros of our video games. Take it seriously , they are the first platoon of emissaries of our spin dictator who have been sent to the forefront to try to show that they still have the upper hand - losing grounds, driven to despair…they are forcefully trying to re-centre the pendulum that has swung too far as reactions against the continuing series of outrageous blunders and scandals of this regime take a new momentum...
They know that they are on slippery ground now, their days are numbered ; they are becoming increasingly more agressive and starting to build up an elaborately divisive and repressive edifice to keep themselves in power. We will be seeing more of such displays in the coming months…Let us tackle these ones first !
This first troop of chatwas claims that “ malgré le Covid-19 et la guerre en Ukraine, notre Premier ministre, Pravind Jugnauth, et le gouvernement se sont rangés du côté de la population dans les moments les plus difficiles. Ce budget allège le fardeau de la population sans aucune discrimination car nous vivons dans un pays arc-en-ciel. "
Dans les moments difficiles, vous dites ! Well, the population is aware that we have at the helm just a bunch of liars, thieves, jokers and incompetents to see us through these trying times! They lied about the number of covid deaths, Angus Road, the Pack and Blister jackpot, the Kistnen Affair, Wakashio, the Police brutalities, Agalega, ..
About this Budget , we maintain -and challenge these chamchas to prove us wrong-that it has failed to compensate Mauritian households for their loss of purchasing power (some 300 products will be seeing increases in prices following the removal of subsidies) and this government is guilty of using central bank money to finance its expenditures such that we have ended up with one of the highest inflation rates , budget deficit to GDP ratios and debt levels among sub-Saharan African, emerging markets and peer countries.
“Allège le fardeau de la population” you claim !; on what grounds ? Or are you just reading from the scripts handed to you by the plethora of advisers at the supremo’s office?
Prove us wrong when we say it loud and clear , as we have being doing since 2008 about the colouring accounting carried out by the different finance ministers, this regime is again lying about growth(less than 8.5%), about inflation(higher than 8.6%) ,the budget deficit/GDP (not 4% but 7.3%, ), public debt to GDP( not 78% but 85%) and the unemployment figure which is higher than 15%. And we will continue to pay a high price , not because of Covid or the Ukraine war, but because of the catastrophic management of the economy that is already resulting in further depreciation of the rupee…C’est ça la gestion de Supremo and his lieutenant- zot fin augmente pas seulement nou fardeaux mais pou la génération future osi..
And about "l’acharnement envers the Minister Kalpana Konjoo-Shah", we refer our “high priests” of the socio-cultural organisations to the Deputy Speaker's comments on the opposition : "une opposition qui frôle l’antipatriotisme, on vous invite à vous ressaisir. Vous êtes payés from tax payers money et vous êtes appelés à assumer votre rôle comme une opposition responsable,"
I think this should apply equally to Minister Kalpana Konjoo-Shah, "a se ressaisir pour" assuming her responsibilities in discharging her parliamentary duties.
About one of the big-mouth, bullying socio-cultural groups railing about “la façon de faire de « certains démagogues ». « Sak kou pe montre kout pwin. Sak kou pe challenge li (le Premier ministre). Nou dir sa bann personn la si vreman zot ena Guts al Challenge li kan ….” , i think they can safely report back to their master that we are not being conned/ trapped by their aggressive ,divisive game . They need not worry about our “kout pwin” . It has nothing to do with arrogance , aggressiveness or "pé deklar mari "…they misread it !
Our symbol of a fist is our way of showing and paying homage to the solidarity and commitment of all communities for change , for a new inclusive Mauritius, a new economic paradigm that will dramatically change the socio-economic fibre of Mauritius, and especially one that will attend to the interest of "the many, not the few". It also represents the familial bonds of the five fingers of our Mauritian overpowering fist of unity-the different religions and cultures brought together, empowered in a powerful and purposive fist that honours and celebrates our Diversity.