Saturday, June 11, 2022

Le Budget parallèle !!!!
For a newspaper like l’express, such postings(see below) do not do it justice, or is it a new type of “chatwa-ing”, the mainstream press version ?
Of all people, it is now from Sithanen that our journaluses are learning about Special Funds….about a parallel budget ….from the very person who has started these “comptabilité innovatrices” back in 1995…
These journaluses "ont le culot" to even ask whether such deceitful accounting will not escape the scrutiny of the IMF…!!!
If they did their homework, they would have found out that the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessment report for Mauritius, released by IMF in 2011, covered extensively the salient features of our public financial management landscape, picking out those gaps that needed to be plugged in our efforts to put in place all the elements required for a sound system of public financial management.
The report notes that “ rather than allowing the underspends to flow through to the budget bottom line, resulting in smaller deficits, the government has reappropriated the funds, and transferred them to a set of special funds…… However, a significant proportion of these transfers represent an accumulation of financial assets in special funds and should, from a central government perspective and in accordance with the GFSM 2001 standards, be treated as below- the-line financing items. Over MUR 11 billion or 7.3 percent of GDP have been transferred to these funds during the two-and-a-half years under consideration”. …. ….The report also draws attention to the fact that there has been, however, limited public reporting on the use or balances in these special funds.
But our dear journaluses need not go as far back as 2011; in the recent IMF Art IV 2021 at Table 2b. Mauritius: Summary of Central Government Finances, 2017/18-25/26, the estimated consolidated balance for FY 2020/21 ,including "net lending / borrowing (special funds)" is -16.6% of GDP.
There is no need to go to that extent of chatwa-ing of Sithanen, turning the culprit into a national hero, qui fin aide nou pou découvert lamerik-special funds(secret funds)(sic) -lor map !!!
Quand même vous autres, un peu de discernment !!!