Tuesday, October 13, 2020

La marche des fiertés

Saturday 29 August , the historical march of thousands and thousands of Mauritians, as "One people & One Nation" , meant a reconnection to our long lost "Mauritianism," a loud clamour for a stop to injustice and for a review of our human rights .
What about the rights of the LGBTs ? Are they not Mauritians ?
"Since 1838, we have a clause in the penal code, section 250, which continues to criminalize people of the same sex in their privacy "
Why was our march for then ? For a selected few - a selective Mauritianism !!!
Recently i had argued that suddenly the ones who have been arguing that we should not mix up religion and politics have become the “Zot”-anti-Mauritian. Our Mauritainism seems to have evaporated ; the us v/s them schism have become contagious. Those that do not subscribe to their version of Mauritianism-minority against majority, Nu ban v/s Zot, us and them- are now being cast aside as part of Zot.
Now on the question of the rights of LGBT, we have become Zot.
Where are all the Mauritians who were proudly brandishing the flag of Mauritianism, our popular columnists, our regular commentators, our mainstream and other political parties (with the exception of ReA)? Like frightened ostriches, they bury their heads in the sand hoping that the LGBT issue will pass them by and die down soon.
Are they a mere bunch of opportunists and cowards who are easily intimidated by a bunch of fanatics and religious fundamentalists ?
While we, in unison , proud of our rediscovered Mauritianism , be it for one day, were shouting "Bour li Déor" , our friends the LGBT are now bitterly exposing our hypocrisy with their rallying cry "ESKI ZOT TAN NOU " in the streets of Rose-Hill on Saturday. Where our local politicians (ReA, the only political party that makes it a point to be present) chose to abscond, the Australian high commissioner, the French and EU ambassadors marked the event by their presence at the march.
And we , where do we stand?

Rashmee Daby and Sha Lu