Thursday, October 1, 2020

Another "naufrage" of our GBC sector !!!

It is confirmed; Mauritius is now on the blacklist of the European Union.
At the sitting of Thursday 14 May 2020 of the National Assembly, Mr Payadachy, the Minister of Finance, was answering to the Leader of the Opposition
“ Est-ce que c’est un comportement patriotique envers le pays? Est-ce que c’est un comportement patriotique envers le pays que de venir faire semblant de dire déjà qu’on est sur une liste noire? Non, parce qu’on ne l’est pas encore. …”
Now that we are, Mr Payadachy, are you resigning ?
Or like our PM , are you still asking “ KOT MONN FAUTÉ?”
We will tell you :
“Deux départements précis au sein de la FSC ont totalement failli dans leur tâche. D’abord, il y a le département surveillance et le département justement appelé Anti Money Laundering/ Countering the Financing of Terrorism Section.
L’on soutient que ces deux départements sont dirigés par deux personnes, deux femmes, qui ont été promues dans le sillage de la saga Alvaro/Dos Santos. L’une est une activiste du Mouvement Liberater et de son leader. L’autre est l’épouse d’un ministre. “
As Chairman of the FSC , it was his part of responsibility to strengthen the regulatory capacity of the FSC, so that the country can protect its reputation from the financial scandals like those related to Isabel Dos Santos and Luanda Leaks, Sobrino and Bastos, Mauritius leaks or Fishrot files.
He failed to ensure that the personnel of the FSC were trained and equipped to plug the many gaps left in the effectivness of our AML_CFT. There has not been any “evolution”, any progress at the FSC under his leadership.
After being a disaster as first deputy governor, and now as Minister of Finance , (see my post on socialising the corporates), is he waiting for Lepep to order him out -“ FOU LI DEOR” ?
The other culprits are Seegoolam and Manraj including
ICAC,FIU and the Police

Raj Ramlugun, Prakash Neerohoo and 18 others
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