Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Some queries and a request to the Minister of Finance:

1. Do you mean that following your recent discussion with the IMF on the proper calculation of the budget deficit (subsequent to the Rs 64 billion transfer from the BoM), the IMF will go back on its methodology as laid down in the IMF Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM) and treat the exceptional one-off payment of as revenue and not financing?

Monday, October 26, 2020

The contradictions of the Minister of Finance (MoF)

1. After having been rebuffed by the IMF for his colourable accounting on the so-called” balanced budget”, he is trying another of his budgetary tricks - a reallocation of budget funds which is no more but a vain ploy of attempting to impact on the forthcoming village and municipal elections by announcing some populist and inefficacious measures and the reallocation of the funds to some infrastructural projects barely four months after the budget. It confirms to some extent that the plethora of projects announced in the Budget 2020-21 were mere wish-lists – mere “effets d’anonces”- that we can safely do without.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Irresponsible posting by an irresponsible person!

" Narendra Modi described Mauritius as "Little India". Why did India almost invade Mauritius in 1983? This might happen in 2020" (sic) posted in "Sel Solution Revolution"

How resilient is our economy ?

(Publishd in l'express, 28 October 2020)
If the already slowing economy were not enough, the closing of our borders, the lockdown, a surging pandemic worldwide amidst a still gloomy global economy has further crippled our businesses and left thousands unemployed. The Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Mauritius and the Economic Development Board ,which have the most challenging job of steering the country out of trouble, seem to be quite confident of getting the economy back on track .

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Cap Tamarin Smart City impacting on livelihoods of fishermen

The developments taking place in the integrated village project implemented by the Trimetys company in Cap Tamarin are impacting on the livelihoods of a group of fishermen from the region who fear the harmful effects on the barachois of Tamarin.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The colourable accounting of Payadachy exposed !!!

IMF has just released its World Economic Oulook (October 2020) . At Table B9 of its statistical appendix is the budget figures for Sub-Saharan Africa
Budget Deficit as a % of GDP 2019 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa -4.2 -7.6
Mauritius -10.3 -11.7

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

La marche des fiertés

Saturday 29 August , the historical march of thousands and thousands of Mauritians, as "One people & One Nation" , meant a reconnection to our long lost "Mauritianism," a loud clamour for a stop to injustice and for a review of our human rights .
What about the rights of the LGBTs ? Are they not Mauritians ?

Monday, October 12, 2020

Difficult days ahead

FPIs based out of Singapore, Mauritius looking to India now. (see the newspaper article below)
Payadachy, our bluffing Minister of Finance, maintains doggedly against one and all, including his friends of the Private Sector, that
"des signes de reprise économique sont là."
But it doesn't take a crystal ball to figure out that '"so la tête fatigué , le pauvre 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

In today's press:
I believe that the Prime Minister has wrongly read from one of the scripts prepared by the many advisers employed at the taxpayers’ expense …
It reads as such:
“Jugnauth is Jugnauth, Jugnauth decides”

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The chance of a real rethinking of our economy

(Published in Weekly no.421, 8-15 Oct 2020 and l'express 13 Oct 2020)

The Mauritian economy, in deep distress, scarred by job losses, salary cuts and lost livelihoods, is going through one of its toughest phases ever. It was already struggling and was in the midst of a slowdown when Covid-19 pushed it over the edge. A pall of uncertainty now hangs over the economy as it tries to sporadically limp back to normalcy. The extreme disruption caused by the pandemic is also an opportunity for the government to reset the economy and turn adversity into opportunity. It has injected a sense of urgency around discussions of economic growth and the economy and daring suggestions to rebuild a post-Covid economy. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Government effectiveness :A PBB that delivers !!!

(Published Weekly no.420,1-7Oct 2020 )
We have joined the High-Income Country category but the state of the maintenance of our physical and social infrastructure and our public service standards remains appalling. Recently, mention was made that 399 of the 544 cameras installed at the high security prison of Melrose were malfunctioning, three of the eight National Coast Guard Coastal Surveillance Radar System radars, including the one in Souillac, were out of order when the Wakashio was entering into our Exclusive Economic Zone and the largest tug of the Mauritius Ports Authority, weighing 70 tons, was, out of order. Even at Mauritius Telecom, one of our many prime institutions that are being corrupted by failing and falling standards, we saw its 'Traffic Watch' cameras failing us when we needed them most.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

A reply to th PM

Pravind Jugnauth lors de la célébration de la Journée internationale des personnes âgées, à Pailles, jeudi.
"Tou bann lékonomi dan Lémond, Moris pa fer eksepsion, pé kontracté, savédir sa gato ki nu pé prévwar, nou dir kan nou ti pé fer kanpayn, nu ti dir nu pu fer gato-la grosi, pou ki sakenn gayn enn pli gro par, malerezman gato-la pé retrési, pé vinn pli tipti."

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Another "naufrage" of our GBC sector !!!

It is confirmed; Mauritius is now on the blacklist of the European Union.
At the sitting of Thursday 14 May 2020 of the National Assembly, Mr Payadachy, the Minister of Finance, was answering to the Leader of the Opposition
“ Est-ce que c’est un comportement patriotique envers le pays? Est-ce que c’est un comportement patriotique envers le pays que de venir faire semblant de dire déjà qu’on est sur une liste noire? Non, parce qu’on ne l’est pas encore. …”
Now that we are, Mr Payadachy, are you resigning ?