Friday, October 1, 2021

Wrong message for Air Mts !

Fracassant début de Ken Arianus !
The super CEO , “divan divan”, led the 18 pilots of Air Mauritius, who were under five years of leave without pay, to the PM’s Office.
Our almighty PM, using his magic wand, reinstated them back on the pay system and our ex-laureate pilots will be receiving training on the A330 aircraft .
Cheers for our pilots ! Say cheese, we will have a pic for posterity ! Of course the MBC , the national lapdog, was there and some chatwas Journaluses !
How could they miss this opportunity to compel us to digest the publicity given to this event during prime airtime on Jugnauth TV ! Et Ken Arianus , divan, divan , leading the show !!!!
Did they want to confirm that we have two categories of workers in Mauritius - one when the company is doing well , they, as all other workers, reap some of the benefits but when the going gets tough, they keep benefiting while others , equally productive workers, get fired .
What is this issue about the ex-laureates ? I can understand that we should privilege our domestic pilots but why did our journaluses give so much importance to the ex- laureate pilots ?
What so special about them ? - the only special thing about them is that through their hard work they have been able to benefit from our scholarships and get selected for the training provided by Air Mts to become a pilot.
Once they join the world of work, they have to come down from the “pedestal” that our rotten and unfair education system has dared to elevate them; it is not these qualifications , these degrees , these brilliant academic achievements that will matter now but their performance at work like any other worker. Here in Mauritius , we still cling to the sticker that we have attached to them - “ ti lauréat sa!".
Many of our countrymen and countrywomen, who have benefited from the taxpayers' money and have “tuit” and joined the ranks of our global diaspora, (many for justifiable reasons) know very well that it matters very little whether they were laureates or not. The moment they joined the top universities they realised the world of difference between them-the so-called laureates fashioned in an archaic, outdated rote-learning and memorisation education system- and the other joining graduates coming from more up-to-date revolutionised educational institutions producing more of creative thinkers, entrepreneurs and technopreneurs.
What next ?
To send the right message to all the workers of Air Mts and in all other sectors, our Ken Arianus has no choice but to call again on our PM’s magic wand to reinstate the other workers, laureates or not, without any discrimination.
Eski downsizing apply only for “other workers”? Eski bizin zis pilotes pou run Air Mts?
When u have such jokers running the country and our prime institutions , what would you expect?
Mess,chaos and more mess and chaos….

Prakash Neerohoo, Kugan and 12 others
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