Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Kee Chong : the new look ?

He alerts us to these happenings in our offshore sector "Qui ont intérêt à entretenir de telles cachettes dotées de structures fortes compliquées ? Qui ont cette expertise professionnelle à faire de tels montages financiers ? Cela démontre tout un réseau de facilitateurs qui ont failli à leur tâche de gardien de l'intégrité du système financier. Je veux dire certains cabinets d'avocats, d'experts fiscalistes, de comptables, banquiers, notaires et autres conseillers financiers."
Common distinctive characteristics of tax havens !!!
It is the same Kee Chong who was patronising, condescending and castigating us as anti- patriotic when we were shouting loud and clear that our offshore sector was a tax haven !
In days of yore our Kee Chong was one of the “ beneficiaries HORS-PAIR” of the regime.
But he has a keen sense of the political value of theatrical gestures, knowing when to cast himself as a scourge of the political establishment and the economic elite.
“Il existe une entente délectuese entre la classe despotique politique et l’oligarchie économique…….”
What a hollow sham!
However hard some of our Journalus may try , our Kee Chong has better brace himself because the booing could get pretty loud !!!
It is this class of hangers on and parasites that have drained the country of any semblance of dynamism, innovativeness and efficiency it may once have had...They have learnt to adapt and they are now a master crafter of the right sound bite. They are part and parcel of the same old political hierarchies that have dominated for so long and that operate through patronage, corruption and nepotism and will not give up so easily…they will display all kind of deceit and guile to woo and outfox us again and again

Kugan, Kawshal Koonjul and 13 others
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