Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Fake News during a crisis

Malcolm de Chazal's famous dictum to the effect that "A Maurice on cultive la canne-à-sucre et les préjuges “ can be verified via the postings of some of our citizens on the net especially in the proliferation of fake news.
Il n’y a plus de retenu…. everyone gives free expression to their prejudices, their hatred,……reinforcing these instead of broadening the scope for discussion, for understanding, for compassion, for positivity and bringing hope to others in these trying times.
Suddenly they have become experts in everything and they are itching to post their biasedness, their bigotry and sharing videos of malicious content hiding behind the anonymity and the boon that the net provides to these mischief- mongers spreading their hatred and entrenched prejudices.
They enjoy turning the screws on other people, other communities,......but mind you, all with a pretence of civility and the knack of an artist weaving a tangled web to cover up their narrow-mindedness….but beneath it all, it reeks of intolerance and petty chauvinism
While the confused,incompetent and overwhelmed Authorities are trying to trace back "patient zero", our "kon tous" zealots are at their favourite pastime-the allegations and blame game:
- the family who has invited others for a prayer session
- the different delegations that visited us recently(India, Seychelles,Japan....)
- foreign delegates purchasing fruits at SKC and visiting GB
- An Ex-VIP, ex-Minister Soodhun, a VVIP who did not go through the established protocols, the man from Dubai....
- Grand Bassin pilgrims from a certain region..... and even comments on the futility of the vaccines and vaccination programme.... goes on and on
The current situation is a true reflection of how we can easily lose our rationality and reasoning abilities and it also shows how resilient we are as a nation, uniting and putting our best foot forward in a crisis.
Against a dysfunctional government, which had set in motion a gravy train on which politicians and crony businessmen were taking a free ride , we have put aside our differences and pooled resources to organise and participate in the demonstrations, protests and meetings against it. Competence, compassion , understanding and fairness have returned to the top of the hierarchy of things that citizens look for in their leaders.
We've upped the game radically on the kind of persons we would choose to be our leaders.
It's time to up our game as well on the kind of citizens we choose to be.