Friday, March 26, 2021

"The Deputy PM who once thought of doing politics differently !!!

We could not have avoided the possibility of a second wave. C'est le Premier Ministre adjoint qui nous le dit “Le risque de résurgence du virus à Maurice était inévitable”.
True . But we had the whole time in the world to prepare for it if we were so certain of a second wave . It was an opportunity that we have wasted. We tackled the first wave of the pandemic and they went around foolishly chest-thumping that we were covid-free. There was no reason for complacency. Gouverner c’est prévoir; this demands leadership, vision, unity and resolve; they never bred in a new determination and sense of urgency to the population to tackle a resurgence of the pandemic and nurse the economy back to health; we needed a government that enables, facilitates and empowers us. Instead of a structured readiness and the elaboration of coordinating/supporting strategies involving all the main frontliners, they were busy setting in motion a gravy train on which tenderpreneurs and crony businessmen would be taking a free ride at our expense.
On the Audit Report , our famous turncoat has this to say “Nous avons la chance de vivre en démocratie et le rapport du Directeur de l’Audit est un instrument important pour la bonne gouvernance. Si un tel rapport alimente l’artillerie de l’Opposition en munitions, il offre aussi aux ministères l’opportunité d’améliorer leur gestion des ressources de l’Etat, qui requiert un effort continu... C’est vrai pour toute Opposition et tout Gouvernement. Et vive la démocratie !”
Et vive la démocratie ! Coming from our turncoat, the term Democracy seems to convey a different meaning. The licence of democracy has successfully been used to subvert our democracy. Asking questions and demanding answers from the government is a fundamental feature of democracies. Their monologic oratories-as delivered by our rogue politicians in the National Assembly led by a nauseatingly partisan and uncouth Speaker- as a substitute for it willingly sound democracy’s death knell.
Criticism, dissent and public protests are the hallmarks of any vibrant democracy. We are justifiably proud of our democratic credentials. We are a strong and confident nation that has enjoyed the freedom to elect our governments and the freedom of expression for over decades. This should not be allowed to be sullied by the present mafia that has taken over the State. No one would have guessed that the mafia, which has successfully institutionalised state capture, nepotism and cronyism, could do so much damage to our democracy and governance in such a short period of time .
That’s why this report is so shocking. No, my dear turncoat par excellence, un tel rapport n’alimente pas l’artillerie de l’Opposition, un tel rapport provoque du dégoût , especially for the politicians of your type who are still trying to find excuses for these ministries /departments which have become giant black holes sucking in millions of rupees of taxpayers’ money- a 3,300 times increase in the price of drugs and 67 times in the price of medical disposables procured under emergency procedures and the dubious contract of Rs 16 billion for the “Safe City Project” awarded directly to MT on an operating lease model for a 20-year period
This is a government that has lost the trust of its people for whom accountability is vital to maintaining its confidence in its leaders; this is a government which has been trying to bring the media to heel; this is a government that is plunging the country back into obscurantism-a culture of abuse and impunity that have corroded all our major institutions and have not even spared our police force; this is a government which has been busy warding off the public's spirited fight against the prevailing corruption, nepotism and cronysm but could not avoid getting entagled in its own web of lies and deceit .
That’s what the Audit Report is uncovering - their whole web of lies and deceit.
Notre très cher transfuge a le culot d'affirmer que “ Être au gouvernement me permet de passer de l’analyse théorique à la pratique, de la parole à l’acte. Et, c’est ce à quoi je m’emploie, avec toute la force de mes convictions, avec passion et intégrité”
Que des paroles, des paroles—If he did have any conviction, any “ passion and intégrité”, he will not be still sitting and siding with these fraudsters and tenderpreneurs who have been looting us when we were confined and fighting covid-19 and many of our citizens were losing their jobs......Do not expect our dear turncoat to walk the talk !
But you have to give him credit for having maintained some constancy in his political verbiage; whether in opposition or in government, he has kept the same tunes, the same catchy words, the same gimmicks , same hyperboles, same double standards- the knack of brandishing these emphatic appealing mantras to drug his audience, their rationality and reasoning abilities.
He was trying to serve us with more of the same in this interview in Mtimes like “La fraude et la corruption ne sauraient être tolérées”. We have been through this before !
Is he not among the very ones who were portraying themselves as the few of what were left of the real leftist brigade ? In fact they were hobnobbing with the hardcore and disillusioned “militants” all over the country selling them the hope of a new dawn while nursing the ambition to be the legitimate heirs of the “militant” family.
Who does not remember their celebrated engagement, amplified by the toadying media, that they- a new breed of politicians- would do politics differently and their catchy slogan of “Kan ou Militan, ou Militant pou lavi”?
Like chameleons, they - avec toute la force de leur convictions, avec passion et intégrité- change colours with time, and do not hesitate to compromise their own self-proclaimed principles such as: “une politique propre” and “la nécessité de lutter contre la corruption” or still better “la corruption a trop gangrené le pays. Il faut une nouvelle équipe propre qui va tout nettoyer.” That was vintage Obeegadoo- talking the talk, que des paroles…..
Yes, politics does change politicians at times.
They had suddenly discovered a “special bond” with the Sun Empire; they went on to become both nimble in political somersaults and circumspect in grabbing the next big opportunity that came their way.
That summarises their militantisme à la mauricienne or à la MMM-turncoats.