Saturday, March 13, 2021

A question of preparedness !

I thought that it was not the time to start blaming the incompetents of this feckless regime ; we have more urgent things to do -like bonding together once more into our overpowering fist of unity and supporting the front liners to get us through these difficult times.
But when I heard the PM’s speech on Independence Day about the fact that we could have had a second wave at any time given that there was always the possibility that our 14 days quarantine would turn out to be not totally foolproof as it has been the case in other countries, I could not hold myself . Yes, it ‘s true that, however effective and intransigent we were about our health protocols , we could not have avoided the possibility of a second wave.
What were we doing meanwhile -complacently sitting on our laurels and ludicrously chest-thumping the whole time that we were covid-free ? We had all the time in the world to prepare for this ! Did we ?
No, we did not have the humility and the sagacity to consider that we could succumb to a second wave !
And today we are faced with a situation of un « accès de panique et incompétence institutionelle. »
We are paying the price of the arrogance and the conceit for having successfully tackled the Covid -19 -an achievement that we celebrated triumphally and were exhibited and advertised to the whole world ( even Joe Biden's govt seems to have become aware of our existence ).
But , gouverner c’est prévoir; this is where this regime has failed us again and again !!
Besides their bigheadedness and self-glory, they were too busy warding off the public's spirited fight against the prevailing corruption, nepotism and cronysm and too entagled in weaving their own web of lies and deceit to be bothered about preparing us for a second wave.
They prefer the techniques of manipulation and sycophancy and the short term populist policies to the excruciating rigours of thinking about the challenges ahead and laying down the building blocks for our assured future …for e.g an effective strain surveillance system and data analysis. Such thinking, preparedness and vision are the antithesis of everything they represent.