Monday, January 18, 2021

Dr Vinaye Ancharaz in today’s Le Defi Quotidien “ Pour relancer l’économie locale, Maurice doit miser de manière stratégique sur certains secteurs”

Dr Ancharaz has very practical suggestions "pour nous sortir de ce marasme économique”- “ Nous ne devons pas sous-estimer le potentiel du secteur de l’agriculture….L’agro-processing et l’agro-industrie comportent des potentiels illimités”, especially if it is linked with the Ocean Economy and Green Tourism…
Some time back , I had written about developing the other segments of our tourism market- “This market segment offers us enormous possibilities to revitalize the agricultural and rural economy, support the sustainable development of rural areas, develop community-based and green tourism with a cultural content, agricultural tourism eco lodge, family owned hotels, guest houses, eco accommodation, traditional organic and authentic products and Mauritian cuisine, environmentally friendly hotel, green holidays, sports clubs providing services. (The concept of Chowki ki Dhani in Rajasthan, the Bushman Traditional Village and the Chamarel Integrated Development Project was created as an innovative idea offering tourists a cultural experience while simultaneously contributing to the economic development of the community.)”

Prakash Neerohoo, Raj Ramlugun and 10 others