Sunday, January 3, 2021

Bland and unconvincing end-of-the-year messages !

Easy and empty words which are neither a call to dialogue nor to action: They are just hot air.
It is not the first time that the ex-PM has been trying to convince us that the labour party is preparing for “la relève avec des hommes et des femmes intègres qui peuvent reprendre le flambeau du parti et le destin du pays”. He is still surrounded by the old guards (and bodygaurds)– the very ones who owe their first allegiance to their ethnicity/caste and communal/casteist electorates, then to their party leaders and last comes the Nation. He had duped us before with his so-called “politics de rupture”. He has failed to walk the talk and he is likely to keep us waiting again for a new leadership and for new ways of doing things.
We are not convinced when we see the present mindset of a kitchen-sink approach of throwing every sop and temporary fix at the problem – keeping up with the tradition of the desperate survival tactics of economically irresponsible electoral bribes without proper analysis and discussions; this time it is “free treatment abroad”- reflecting both a lack of audacity and cluelessness and a failure to come up with credible solutions. The poor state of the health sector needs to trigger some serious rethinking.
Hopeless old guards that we can do without !!! They have not learned anything, thay are still serving us du “réchauffé, du dépassé”.
Similarly for the present PM, he is also serving us du “réchauffé”, we have heard it before “Oken kriminel, oken froder, oken voler na pas pou sapé …”. How can he? He does not have his hand on the tiller of the State. He is plotting the course from the bridge. He has already lost control. The warning bells have already sounded. The challenges are too monumental for us to be satisfied with mere promises; we want concrete actions not empty words.
We want to see, among others:
• The elimination of corruption , starting with the immediate resignation of all the cadres and ministers alleged to be involved
• the restoration of the independence and credibility of our institutions and the appointment of tested professionals at the head of these institutions
• the matching up of the new legislations with greater effectiveness and a complete review and overhaul of ICAC and other law enforcement agencies to boost the country’s effectiveness in tackling law and order, drug and financial crime.
• the rebuilding of ADSU into a dedicated, well-equipped and well-trained police unit to tackle drug trafficking and
• a stop to the present economic irresponsibility; we have to address and react to the distress in several sectors that have led to the larger economic and social malaise. There is an urgent need for a rethinking on the economy and the measures for a solid recovery starting with the setting up a credible economic framework for ensuring debt sustainability and fiscal credibility.
The economy is teetering on the verge of a crisis; we need a new team at the helm by rallying our best elements (technicians, politicians, consultants, civil society….) to get us out of the present mess.

Prakash Neerohoo, Raj Ramlugun and 14 others


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