Saturday, January 23, 2021

Double-standards at the Ministry of Finance

Wastage and unnecessary expenditures continue unabated at the Ministry of Finance . It is unacceptable that at a moment when the Minister is claiming that he is unable to meet the Rs 375- cost of living allowance-for pensioners because there are other priorities, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) is being profligate with taxpayers’ money creating new institutions and posts for the cronies and bootlickers. The Ministry of Finance is supposed to be a role model for others, an example in terms of “ efficiency and effectiveness” of expenditures. Other Ministries are frequently required to provide justifications for the new personnel being recruited. The mindset changes when the same logic is expected to be applied to them.

Are we hypocrites ?

This issue was taken by Raj Ramlagun in a posting titled "Au nom de la Gratitude! Il n’y pas lieu d’être pro Modi, mais c’est une question de reconnaissance en toute objectivité."
I posted this note which reflects a bit another of our hypocrisy-the display of our Mauritianess-fake Mauritian national but true ethnic Mauritian.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Education reform: An additional failure

As little bits and pieces of information concerning the implementation of the educational reform gradually find their way in the public domain, we feel that there are reasons to be concerned. The latest is the article in Le Mauricien by Rajendra Sewpersadsing setting the alarm bells on the Extended Programme students whom he considers to be “failures in the waiting.”

Monday, January 18, 2021

A must read – Interview of Stefan Gua of ReA in Le Mauricien dated 18 Jan 2021

« Rezistans ek Alternativ, ainsi que d'autres mouvements comme nous, avait raison de dire que ce modèle économique et sociétal nous mènera à la catastrophe. Au milieu de tout cela, nous assistons aussi, malheureusement, à une grave crise politique. »

Dr Vinaye Ancharaz in today’s Le Defi Quotidien “ Pour relancer l’économie locale, Maurice doit miser de manière stratégique sur certains secteurs”

Dr Ancharaz has very practical suggestions "pour nous sortir de ce marasme économique”- “ Nous ne devons pas sous-estimer le potentiel du secteur de l’agriculture….L’agro-processing et l’agro-industrie comportent des potentiels illimités”, especially if it is linked with the Ocean Economy and Green Tourism…

Manou Bheenick: :”With the gathering storm, we should, by now, have hoisted up a Class IV Warning flag on Government House”

Very interesting interview in MTimes of Manou Bheenick. In line with our article “Are we sitting on a financial time-bomb? ”, he warns us that the the worse is yet to come.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

“Jugnauth, Sawmynaden et Dookun-Luchoomun doivent s’expliquer publiquement “ demande le ReA

'Rezistans ek Altemativ (ReA) has asked the three elected representatives of constituency No. 8, namely Pravind Jugnauth, Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun and Yogida Sawmynaden, to come and explain publicly that they have indeed nothing to do with the Kistnen Papers. On the the Electoral Commission’s letter sent to them on Friday concerning the 'Kistnen Papers', ReA confirmed that the case will be taken up by the police commissioner and that a police investigation will be initiated.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Our IMF man who talks the talk but doesn’t walk the talk !

Lately we’ve been seeing an assortment of them -the old wines in new bottles- queuing up for interviews and grasping for the opening offered by the main media to try to make “un peu de peau neuve”.

Banking Crisis: Are we sitting on a financial time-bomb?

(Published in l'express 14 Jan 2021)

Both the Financial Stability Report, (FSR -December 2020) and the statements of the CEO of the Mauritius Bankers Association (MBA) , seem to be an attempt to reassure us that “ Le risque d’une crise financière reste bas “. The CEO argues that “ in simple terms, for there to be a financial crisis, a significant proportion of borrowers must fail to repay their loans. In such a case, financial institutions could face a liquidity problem in a systemic manner, which would cause a financial crisis.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

From Singapore of Africa to Banana Republic

As if the Wakashio oil spill ,the EU blacklisting and our listing with countries such as Panama and Zimbabwe were not enough, they have now reduced us to a shithole tinpot dictatorship . Someone rightly said " Li pé fini sa péi là ". Cry , my beloved country !

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Eski nu la polis komplis?

Eski nu la polis komplis?
Trump a fait école. Pinochio has learnt fast, sending his troops to try to divert and divide us. We should not give importance to such minions.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Can history repeats itself ? Uganda shows the way!

In Uganda where the pop star-turned-politician Bobi Wine, the ghetto president, is trying to unseat the present dictator - President Yoweri Museveni -in Thursday's vote, the BBC has posted this beautiful video(click on the pic) that contains the songs and music of Bobi Wine which can be an inspiration for our present struggle.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Ki Servant sing fin rod prouvé azordi ?

Overwhelmed by events, he has proved that he is a disaster and a danger for the police force.
I thought i was watching an American movie with such a massive deployment of the police force-police in uniform and plain clothes, riot police , SMF with their heavy artillery, the commando unit and the snipers on rooftops.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Bland and unconvincing end-of-the-year messages !

Easy and empty words which are neither a call to dialogue nor to action: They are just hot air.