Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Adani affair is a test for the FSC !

The FT editorial board had commented thus on the Adani affair –“Whatever the merits of the Hindenburg report, India’s business and political elites would be misguided to simply shrug and hope the affair goes away. India’s ambitions to be an economic counterweight to China rely in part on investor trust in transparency, quality of governance, and the strength of its institutions. When allegations such these are made, those institutions need to be seen to be doing their job. “ (The Adani share offer closed successfully today, with the help of high net-worth Indian investors concerned about the adverse impact of falling Indian markets on their wealth. But transparency and trust issues remain.)

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Friday, January 27, 2023

Vrai cause inondations !

(posted on a friend's fb page)
Kuma dir Station Meteo ti pou capav enpès inundation; ena pé met chula, Mr Goodur v/s Station Meteo et pas bizin dir toi avek so masala communal;

Kan AHRIM pé justifier l’injustifiable !

Nos oligarchs à l’oeuvre - Zot pran billions (from MIC and we are now bearing the consequences of easy money ) et kan zot donné "un parrainage "-sey enn sub-standard free lunch .

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tax and spend ! Who pays? Spend on what ?

Answering to those who believe that fuel prices include too many taxes, our Pada explained that « taxes are important…. taxes are a way to help those in need. » He also added that “Plus de 80 % de l’argent récolté à travers le Consolidated Fund sont redistribués à la population”.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Year-on-year inflation of 12.2 % for December

Our Governor boy, the Banker of the year, delivers a rising rate of inflation from 9.6% in June to 12.2% in Dec 2022 when most economies are experiencing a slow down in inflation and we , “the crétins” of the year, were right when we were criticising him for "eunuchating" the BoM by draining it of all its capital and reserves (SRF) and undermining its monetary framework.

Friday, January 6, 2023

We might as well be the “crétins of the year” !

The Banker , an English-language monthly international magazine , has awarded the Banker of the year to our Governor boy, Harvesh- “His stewardship of the country’s financial sector through one of its most challenging periods in recent history earns him The Banker’s Central Banker of the Year award for Africa.”

Thursday, January 5, 2023

The feel good factor of the Mafia state!

This is how the mafia starts the year in a banana republic !
They start the year by privileging what they excel at, namely, nepotism, cronyism, corruption, communal and caste-based politics and subverting the rule of law.

The very soul of our nation is at stake !

An Operation of the Anti Drug and Smuggling Unit (ADSU) turned sour on Tuesday afternoon at Résidence Kennedy, Quatre-Bornes. Two suspects, suspected of engaging in drug trafficking, were arrested and handcuffed, but managed to escape thanks to the presence of a hostile crowd of over seventy-five people .