Sunday, November 27, 2022

LePep finn répond Li, l’arrogant, spin dictator, PJ !

LePep finn arazé !
LePep finn boycott li dans la circonscription de Rivière-des- Anguilles/Souillac , zot finn alle soutenir massivman Nishal Joyram !
Le commencement de la fin pou sa rézim mafiosi-mafia la drogue ek mafia gambling !

Saturday, November 26, 2022

This is how we reply to Pada’s “Phoenix Delusion” !

The Minister of Finance recently expressed an exuberant optimism about exports of goods and services of Rs292 bn in 2022 representing an increase of more than Rs80 bn over 2021. He also boasted of a real growth rate of 7.2% leading to a record GDP level of Rs550 bn in 2022, and crooned ecstatically of “un phénix qui renait de ses cendres”.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Pada and BoM fail to convince markets !

Pada and the BoM had argued that “ …the job of central banks is the pursuit of  price stability, not profit maximisation.” 

Typical Central Bank’s response : there is no cause for concern. They can always print money !!!

They also argue that other CBs are also making losses.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Le BoM persiste ….how long will the show go on ?
BoM just intervened and pushed up the MUR ....
As pointed out in the LM’s article in today’s l’express titled “BoM : le manque de crédibilité empoisonne le marché financier “, the Central Bank believes that “La banque dispose de réserves suffisantes pour faire face à de futures interventions si nécessaire.”

BOM Kaput updated

The Bank of Mauritius (BoM) capital is totally impaired, which will weigh down heavily on the central bank’s effectiveness in achieving monetary policy and financial stability objectives.


The latest statement of financial position published by the BoM reveals that an accumulated loss of of Rs11 bn was recorded between end June 22 and end Oct 22.  BoM capital and reserves at end Oct 22 are thus totally completely wiped out, following losses in August, Sept, and Oct 22. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

I love football but I love the respect for human rights more….

Sunday, November 20, 2022

We support Nishal !
Be present today at Place Cathédrale to support Nishal !
«C'est juste pour dire que nous sommes affectés par cette situation inflationniste et que nous souhaitons que le gouvernement fasse en sorte de baisser les prix des carburants. Et qu'il diminue l'inflation à Maurice, redynamise l'économie et diminue ses dépenses. Je demande ces choses-là pour que le Mauricien vive mieux».

Friday, November 18, 2022

A waste of time !
I think that ReA wanted to give them, our traditional mainstream parties , a last chance to join forces, to really aim at changing the status quo, in every sense of the word.(Ref: Press Communique of ReA dated 17-11-22)
But it was a waste of time. I listened to some of the stalwarts of the PTR…what a deception !…I do not think this is what the ReA was expecting….

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

BoM Kaput !

The latest “Central Bank Survey” (CBS) of the Bank of Mauritius (BoM) shows that BoM capital and reserves at end Oct 22 are practically wiped out. The BoM’s capital is almost totally impaired, which will weigh down heavily on the central bank’s effectiveness in achieving monetary policy and financial stability objectives.
The item “Shares and Other Equity” in the CBS amounted to only around Rs1 bn at end Oct 22, compared to Rs13 bn in June 22, and Rs20 bn in Dec 21. This item essentially comprises (1) the BoM’s paid-up capital of Rs10 bn, (2) reserves of Rs3 bn held since June 22, (3) any comprehensive income or loss, as well as (4) some minor BoM liabilities.

A PM who is prepared to stoop so low !

In the National Assembly yesterday , the leader of the opposition ,Xavier Duval, pointed out to Pravind Jugnauth that he should not have given the address of the mother of little S., who was admitted to the hospital after her stay in the shelter “ l'Oiseau du Paradis". When Xavier Duval asked him to apologize for having given the address and after the Prime Minister refused, the leader of the opposition repeated “I'm shocked” to which the PM answered“You are shocked? Al pran Xanax.”

Sunday, November 13, 2022

When democracy falls off the cliff.”

If u want to really understand what is/was happening to Bruno Laurette, Akil Bissesur, Darren l’activiste, Ivann Bibi , some journalists and others—read the article below by Nobel peace laureate Maria Ressa, who is facing prison in the Philippines. Her forthcoming book is "How to Stand Up to a Dictator".

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Like Sri Lanka, Mauritius must avoid falling into debt trap diplomacy !

It is common knowledge that Sri Lanka’s borrowing from China, while significant, is not the main cause of its debt crisis. The country’s largest foreign lending source was international sovereign bonds(ISBs), accounting for 36.5% at the end of 2021. These bonds constituted an even greater share of Sri Lanka’s 2021 foreign debt repayments: 47% compared with China’s 20%- which includes loans for state-owned enterprises and other government-backed financing.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

When reality trumps Pada’s rhetoric !

Pada annonce que”Nous ne pouvons laisser croire qu’il y a un manque de devises dans le pays”.
But un manque de devises is slowly developing !

Sunday, November 6, 2022

On the brink of the abyss !

We are on the edge of a precipice into a very frightening abyss.(both politically and economically)
This regime has been steering our institutions into uncharted waters, into an unknown destination…and we may end up sinking into the abyss to rise no more-to ‘democraticide”