Sunday, October 30, 2022

The galimatia that was a success ! It’s just a beginning !

We were present !
We, the Mauritian citizens, young and old , men and women, the political and the apolitical, the partisan and the independent , the bruyant and the silent ones ….- a true cocktail , a combination of everything that makes us a Mauritian- we overcame our childishness and our dislike for the “pourritures recyclées’- by the way, many of the pourritures recyclées of the MSM emanate from our own MMM, especially the shameless Chihuahua, the pretendant to the title of the king of the general population, who deserted the MMM to join the very party which bungled his programme of electoral reform- and put aside our egos to come together at Place d’Armes to voice our opposition to the way our dear country is being run.
Spare me your lame excuses …Neither Yogi Sawminaden nor the govt pa fini tombé !
You may be satisfied with your programme, your vision of the future of Mauritius , your PNQs, your regular show of press conferences , your choice of PM, DPM , President and the whole set of potential candidates to take over ….what about US ? We keep on docilely listening to you, nodding our heads, approving your stupidities and gimmicks !
How do we show our indignation, our outrage ,our frustrations , our need to revolt against the totalitarian excesses , our need to reclaim our full rights as key players in any self-respecting democracy !
Are you afraid that we may finally come to realise our true strength, coming to realise that you all, with some exceptions of the leftist organisations like the ReA and Lalit, have been taking us for a ride ?
We , the Mauritian cocktail present at the Place d’Armes , are coming to realise our strength…Now , we want to send the strongest signal that we are prepared to shoulder the barest fraction of our responsibility and we will be able to change for the better this country of ours.
We have been relying on you , you fakes , for too many years ….you have been a complice to the economic elite in building our houses on sand ; the roof is caving in , the water pipes have burst and our child is drowning; the floor is sinking under our feet, and and we are sinking with it, and you keep promising us, with some mere tinkering of the system, a new vision for the country…
No , we are fed up with your promises , your programmes and your vision…it is not built with us for us . It is built on the same foundation of division , of money politics, of communal and caste representation, of bloated egos, of ….You made us into carriers of the system. Its so-called development rationality , with the help of your political organisations, has turned us into mere appendages.
Now , we are beginning to be aware of our strength , of who are our own people , of the foundation of unity that we are laying down, …We witnessed the broadest social composition of any such manif so far. We saw it happening in Iran also….Women and the young are at its forefront, showing remarkable courage and resolve, because Mahsa Amini’s murder has hit a nerve among the lower and middle classes alike, accompanied by quite remarkable cross-ethnic solidarity and a strong university presence. Now, workers and celebrities have joined in as well. This has truly become a national revolt, posing a serious threat to the regime, explaining the brutality of its response.
Here also , it’s just a beginning, Kistnen's murder has hit a nerve …..we will keep knocking on those doors of the ones who are worried that adopting new opinions will leave them beyond their group’s protective embrace…….You never know when it’s going to start a cascade of change. “C’est l’histoire réussie d’une lutte des mouvements qui créent la connaissance et le savoir et qui veulent de vraies réformes at root level “ nous dit Patrick Bond, l’un des invités de la conférence sur l’écologie organisée par Rezistans ek Alternativ.
Change is inevitable , like it or not !