Sunday, October 16, 2022

Welcome to Mafialand !

Avant 2014 le pays était caractérisé par le laisser aller , mais après 2014, c’est la débandade, l’incompétence, la culture du secret , le favoritisme, le népotisme et la corruption,…
Père de la modernisation ou chef de la mafia ?
Yes, a corruption-ridden regime run by a Lakwizinn of gangsters and cronies !
This country is turning into a rogue, mafia state
Yes, it’s mafialand, the mafia has infiltrated all our institutions- our horse-racing business taken over by a betting mogul, financier of the regime; no real/top drug traffickers been arrested yet; the flow of mules continues with changing strategy to beat the vigilance of the law enforcement agencies. Les trafiquants sont mieux équipés que l’ADSU. How can we fight them-the upscaling of drug dealing and trafficking -if we are seriously under-equipped whether in terms of man power, expertise and skills, technology and equipment ……especially in monitoring our EEZ….
The backlisting of the financial sector , for example, had much to do with the non-existence of supervision of the non-financial sectors, especially of casinos, bookmakers and gambling activities, to combat money laundering.
We are off the black list but did we see a complete review and overhaul of ICAC and other law enforcement agencies that was badly needed to boost the country’s effectiveness in tackling drug and financial crime ?
On the contrary the symbiotic relationship of the regime with the gambling industry and the mafia has been reinforced.

We no longer have any trust in this regime and most of the institutions that frame our society are gradually being captured by the mafia and cronies for their own profits.
This had intensified since 2014, undermining the country’s hopes for future growth and development.