Thursday, March 17, 2022

We had hopes ....Putin and the West !!!

To a Friend
Tks for your consistent arguments which has led me to dig deeper to try to see the multiple sides to this complex issue . The little that I could make out -picking out the genuine pieces from the vast literature, mosty biased and partisan including some well-targeted misinformation stuff- is that our Kremlin bandit Putin is a creation of the West. ( During that period which they termed the “end of history” and glasnost, we are told now that Putin did make request to join the EU).
They are the good guys and he is the evil one and now we have to be grateful that they are tackling this "war criminal". This is “so deeply ingrained in our collective psyche that it masquerades as common sense.”
What about our bandit ? He played his role with perfection, according to the scripts drafted by the West. He fitted perfectly in the role they have cast for him, he played by their rules …”the politics of inevitability, its predictability, a sense that the future is just more of the present, that the laws of progress are known, that there are no alternatives, and therefore nothing really to be done.”
Did our despot in the Kremlin have a choice ? Yes, there was an alternative; he could have reassembled as much of the former Soviet Union as possible with Russia and creating a better interaction and fairer exchange system (less exploitative and more of sharing) that extends through all of the eastern European states that joined Nato from the 1990s onwards, built on compromise, on democratic principles , on sustainability, on broader societal objectives such as health ,happiness and inclusiveness...while promoting nuclear disarmament and the whole of Europe as a zone of peace,…and developing a credible alternative to the current global economic system.
He would have obtained overall support- including a major chunk of the developing world- to tackle the media conglomerates' indoctrination and misinformation and the growing imperialist tendencies of the West imposing their New World Order and asserting the subservience of Russia to western imperialism.
Russia failed us- it turned up to be a failed regime. Putin recoiled into the trap set for him by the West; thus only empire can justify his rule. "Russia’s commodity-dependent economy has fallen far behind Poland for example . It is a rentiers’ paradise. Today, those rentiers are Putin’s thugs and the Boris Yeltsin-era “oligarchs .”
The West ultimate goal is Russian destruction ; Putin will go down taking with him our audacity to have hoped that it could have been different if...
Watch out for the local scene where similarly our Machiavellic strategists will be trying to convince us that there is no alternative to "Juggernaut " and/or the dinosaurs propped by some young turks or vice versa...(the old guards playing by the same archaic rules, the politics of inevitability, never questioning the economic model of development or the communal divide..)...And we will end up as the "dindons de leur farces" , as usual !

Rajni Rajoo, Cheeko Mauritius and 9 others