Saturday, March 26, 2022

Jalsa à Dubai !!!

All of the post-covid hope of households have turned into gloom. Households are now grappling with rising living costs at a time when jobs and incomes have taken a hit, first with the pandemic and now with the Ukraine war. The prices of basic foodstuffs are on the rise for a year now and are still rising affecting household budgets; their monthly household budget can buy only one fourth of what they could a few months ago.
The relentless rise in the cost of living-the inflation rate has likely entered the double-digit territory-pushing large swathes of the population into poverty. And there are reasons to believe that it will get worse during the year.
And our Pada -ki kroir li pé kas enn gros paké- by announcing, in his pre-budget consultations ,that the budget will be improving “ la vie au quotidien de toute la population en portant une attention particulière aux plus vulnérables.”
Non, mon cher Pada, the households have already dipped into their savings and many are overly indebted, they cannot afford to wait for the budget. They need immediate relief now.
The low-wage workers, the unemployed and small businesses, and not the big corporations, have been the ones who have been most hurt by the pandemic and now they are having to pay for your incompetence in properly managing the fiscal and monetary policies-heavy monetary financing of the budget deficit, which is aggravating pressures on depreciation and inflation.
A relief package for households is long-overdue.
That cannot wait any longer !
Every Mauritian should listen to this attached audio , it’s so scandalous about “the jalsa in Dubai” (chk my google drive link, it's being circulated on social media !)
In le Mauricien of 25th March “Avec la sévère crise économique, une nouvelle réalité se dessine. Le niveau de vie devient précaire chez un nombre grandissant d’enfants. L’alimentation devient alors rare, l’éducation passe au second plan, la santé est négligée, l’équilibre familial est perturbé et le manque de loisirs attire vers les fléaux sociaux. Quel avenir pour ces adultes de demain ? Quelle pierre seront-ils susceptibles d’apporter à l’édifice national s’ils sont aujourd’hui laissés pour compte, sans aucune formation ? De quel poids leurs multiples manques pèseront-ils sur notre économie demain ?
Meanwhile , once the travel restrictions were lifted, Pada and Co. started their “maja karo" again; they assembled to “amizé, mangé, bwar, and gaspiyé"; they were so relieved to be able to resume travelling that they flocked in ballooning numbers to Dubai Expo and it was reckless mayhem at Dubai !!!
That’s how our money- taxpayers money- is being spent , that’s Pada version of ”un budget social".
“Il faut savoir qui sont ceux qui ont participé, qui a composé les délégations et déterminer les petits copains et les petites copines qui étaient de la partie. Mais plus important, il faut déterminer combien tout cela a coûté aux contribuables.”
It was Pada’s decision - flooding the economy with irresponsible money creation and his deliberate policy choice of an accelerated depreciation of the rupee to create valuation gains on the Reserve Fund and sending the fiscal spending into overdrive- that has exacerbated the global inflationary trends.
He has money for“maja karo” , he can as well compensate consumers now, they cannot wait for budget time!
Did the "jouisseurs of Dubai" wait to pick up their “per diem ?” .