Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Kee Chong : the new look ?

He alerts us to these happenings in our offshore sector "Qui ont intérêt à entretenir de telles cachettes dotées de structures fortes compliquées ? Qui ont cette expertise professionnelle à faire de tels montages financiers ? Cela démontre tout un réseau de facilitateurs qui ont failli à leur tâche de gardien de l'intégrité du système financier. Je veux dire certains cabinets d'avocats, d'experts fiscalistes, de comptables, banquiers, notaires et autres conseillers financiers."

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Levelling up" : From slogan to strategy !

The recent party conference of UK’s Conservative Party in Manchester fleshed out its new signature policy, “levelling up ” , meaning closing the gap. Neil O’Brien , the new minister for levelling up has promised a white paper that will give a clearer definition of levelling up and also provide the measures to measure it .

Friday, October 1, 2021

Wrong message for Air Mts !

Fracassant début de Ken Arianus !
The super CEO , “divan divan”, led the 18 pilots of Air Mauritius, who were under five years of leave without pay, to the PM’s Office.
Our almighty PM, using his magic wand, reinstated them back on the pay system and our ex-laureate pilots will be receiving training on the A330 aircraft .