Tuesday, May 25, 2021

To our political representatives !

In their latest press conference, the representatives of the labour party were briefing us about their presence in the march /demonstration for the Palestinian cause and their concern for the people of Palestine , the killing of women and children , the injustice, of the ideological Jewish settlers evicting their Palestinian neighbours from their homes…
U have our support, but we think it would have been more national , more Mauritian and less sectarian if we had a march/demonstration (with the required health protocols)where the "conseil des religions" was in the forefront-our Cardinal and the main representative of all religions, all the political parties present, a march/demonstration by all concerned Mauritians, to end the injustice, a march to end the oppression of a nation, a march to end the killing of women and children …a march for peace , a march that will call on other nations to make more efforts to build bridges, a march that will rally more of support and help that make a difference to the lives of people in difficulty….
A march that would have had an impact like Pope Francis’ visit; thousands of people would have flocked to a meeting point and many many more Mauritians would have lined the highway and streets to catch a glimpse of the display of our “Viv Ensam” Morysien rallying for a good cause. We missed an opportunity to reinforce our Mauritianism and allowed the play of divisive politics to work its way and identity politics to take over, all in the name of Palestine.
lt is so easy to spread hatred, but it needs lot of efforts to promote tolerance, peaceful coexistence, mutual care, and the advocacy of values that bind all of us together.
It would have shown that Palestine is not not only the concern of a community or religion but of all of us, humanists….
We want to see more of such commitment when there are such atrocities and injustice elsewhere in the world - u say that u are so touched by the plight of women and children -the impending famine and genocide in Tigray, the recent attack on women and children in Afghanistan, in Yemen, in Myanmar, in Mozambique, a few weeks back…for the Uyghurs in Xinjian,- as the humanists that you are, some short statements showing your solidarity to their cause or plight will do.
It will help a lot in clearing out the misconceptions about being sectarians or being selective humanists.