Saturday, May 22, 2021

Continuing the debate...... Comments on Raj Ramlugun post : “THE PALESTINIAN KOZ - ANT FANATISM, HIPOKRIZI and LINDIFERANS!”

Raj : Arett fer ipokritt e populism avek soufrans lezott! Komie konn listwar problem Palestine vreman? Pu buku sa pena naryin ek nosion linzistis ek dominer enn pep. Fact check kredibilite sa bann ki souvan divan divan la dan Moris. Ki kantite zott konstan dan laguer kontt linzistis ek dominer dan zott lavi ou karyer? Check track record tou sa bann dimounn ki servi ou siportt koz Palestine kumsa kumsa , sirtou sa bann gran misie politisiyin la.
Isi nu finn fer tou dramm/ trazedi Palestinien vinn enn zafer kominal/relizie.. PRO ou ANTI mizilman. Al cheker. Eski li bizin kumsa? Bann ki p manifeste ou p ress trankil/ indiferan.... buku animé par memm reflex kominal/fanatism relizie. Pa par vré humanisme. Sinon nu pa ti pu otan selektif dan nu konba kontt linzistis ek dominer etc. Isi kuma partou dan lemondd……..
Prakash Neerohoo:
Oui l’ignorance de la géographie et de l’histoire est à la base des préjugés et des à priori. Autrefois on apprenait ces deux matières à l’école. Aujourd’hui les jeunes ne sont pas initiés à l’histoire ni à l’école ni dans leur milieu familial ou social.
My comments :
If only our education system had inculcated that quest to know more about our neighbour’s religion, culture, principles, we would have less of “ces préjugés” .
We would have cultivated a culture of tolerance, of sharing and of humanitarian concern, (not because most people are doing so, or to be more in tune with the so-called leftists… or for other doubtful reasons).
Our experience of living and learning from each other would have driven us to know more about other cultures and to try to understand ( without any “préjugés” on the basis of race, religion, nationality …) why there are so many conflicts, so much hatred …
It would have been not only their concern but ours also….Palestine, Yemen, Myanmar, Uyghurs in Xinjiang, the famine and genocide in Tigray, the plight of women and children in Afghanistan, racism in the US , Mexican drug war, Brexit that is threatening the peace in Northern Ireland , the Kivu conflict in Congo, the Armenian and Rwanda genocide, and now paradoxically Paul Kagame rigid and exacting dictatorship…and all the minorities , the LGBTs , the cultural survival of Adivasis in India, ….les damnés de la terre , facing all kinds of hardships under more and more intolerant regimes….
That would have been our culture of enquiry, of trying to understand human nature and our contribution in sharing our “vivre ensemble “ to the world, a world of higher ideals, of a bigger mind, not a fragmented us v/s them society but one where differences are celebrated rather than stigmatised- celebrating heterogeneity and pluralism .
I grew up in an environment where we were told that our neighbours -the païens -“Ils iront en enfer “, how much has changed since ?
What has been the contribution of our education system in fostering a society that celebrates diversity (ignorant ones fight and create conflicts)?
How much has changed for the better in our rainbow nation?
How much has changed in our loyalties , first and foremost, to our religion, our caste, our community …? Look at the people we do business with, the ones who are our friends, our opinions and beliefs, what do they show?
Have we really progressed from being the consummate schizophrenic - the fake Mauritian national and a true ethnic Mauritian ?
Have we become more “educated and knowledgeable “ that we have overcome the ethnic schism that was sundering our “paradisiac” Mauritius?
If not , then we can say that our education system and our ‘ viv ensan’ ( I prefer to label it as living in close proximity but in compartments or silos while keeping safe social distancing) have failed us !
Should we be surprised then that we have lot of “FANATISM, HIPOKRIZI and LINDIFERANS” ?